

概述:GE數字能源是全球智能電網行業的主要解決方案提供商及行業領導者。通過優化從發電、輸電到配電和用電的各個環節,確保能源利用更加智能高效。 其節能增效的工業解決方案適用于電廠、電網、石化、采礦、工

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廈門圣企機電設備有限公司 聯系人:黃工(銷售工程師) 移動電話:13774696989 固話:0592-6081295 QQ:1519011860 2761306899


IC200UDR064 VersaMax Micro 64 point PLC,(40) 24VDC In, (24) Relay Out, 24VDC Power Supply. (1) serial port and (1)optional communication port.

IC200UDR120 VersaMax Micro 20 point PLC,(12) 24VDC In, (8) Relay Out, 120/240VAC Power Supply.   (1) serial port and (1)optional communication port.  Requires Machine Edition 5.7 or higher.   Battery (IC200ACC414) is required for data retention.  Battery not inc

IC200UDR140 VersaMax Micro 40 point PLC,(24) 24VDC In, (16) Relay Out, 120/240VAC Power Supply.  (1) serial port and (1)optional communication port.  Requires Machine Edition 5.7 or higher.   Battery (IC200ACC414) is required for data retention.  Battery not inc

IC200UDR164 VersaMax Micro 64 point PLC,(40) 24VDC In, (24) Relay Out, 115/240VAC Power Supply. (1) serial port and (1)optional communication port.

IC200UDR440 VersaMax Micro 40 point PLC,(24) 24VDC In, (16) Relay Out, 12/24VDC Power Supply.  (1) serial port and (1)optional communication port.  Requires Machine Edition 5.7 or higher.   Battery (IC200ACC414) is required for data retention.  Battery not inclu

IC200UDR440UB2 VersaMax Micro Kit, 40 point PLC and IC200USB002 RS-485 port24, 24VDC In, (16) Relay Out, 12/24VDC Power Supply.  (1) serial port and (1)RS- 485 communication port.  Requires Machine Edition 5.7 or higher. Battery (IC200ACC414) is required for data r

IC200UEC008 VersaMax Micro Expansion 8 point combination (4) 24VDC In, (4) 24VDC Output Source with ESCP, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501).

IC200UEC108 VersaMax Micro Expansion 8 point combination (4) 24VDC In, (4) 24VDC Outsink outputs, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501).

IC200UEC208 VersaMax Micro Expansion 8 point combination (4) 24VDC In, (4) Relay Output, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501).

IC200UEI008 VersaMax Micro Expansion 8 point (8) 24VDC In, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501).

IC200UEI016 VersaMax Micro Expansion 16 point Input (16) 24VDC In, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501).

IC200UEM001 Micro Plus 20/40/64 Ethernet module.  The Ethernet module is compatible with SRTP and supports up to 4 connections.  Module can also be configured for Modbus TCP (server).

IC200UEO008 VersaMax Micro Expansion 8 Output Expansion (8) 24VDC Outputs with ESCP, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEO016 VersaMax Micro Expansion 16 point (16) 24VDC Source ESCP Outputs, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEO108 VersaMax Micro Expansion 8 Output Expansion 24VDC Sink Output, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEO116 VersaMax Micro Expansion 16 Output Expansion (16) 24VDC Sink Outputs, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UER008 VersaMax Micro Expansion 8 Output Expansion (8) Relay Outputs, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UER016 VersaMax Micro Expansion 16 Output Expansion (16) Relay Outputs, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501).

IC200UER508 Isolated 5 amp, 8 point relay output expansion module, requires 24VDC power supply.  Module is not UL approved.

IC200UEX009 14 point expansion.  (8) 120VAC In, (6) Relay Out (2 at 10 amp and 4 a t 2 amp), 120/240VAC Power Supply.  (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX009-24 Qty of 24, 14 point expansion.  (8) 120VAC In, (6) Relay Out (2 at 10 amp & 4 at 2 amp), 120/240VAC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX010 14 point expansion.  (8) 120VAC In, (6) 120VAC Out, 120/240VAC Power S upply.  (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX010-24 Qty of 24, 14 point expansion.  (8) 120VAC In, (6) 120VAC Out, 120/240 VAC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX011 14 point Exp.(8) 24VDC In, (6) Relay Out, 120V/240AC Power Supply (inc ludes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX011-24 Qty of 24, 14 point expansion.  (8) 24VDC In, (6) Relay Out, 120V/240A C Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX012 14 point Exp.(8) 24VDC In, (6) Relay Out, 24VDC Power Supply (includes  IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX012-24 Qty of 24, 14 point expansion.  (8) 24VDC In, (6) Relay Out, 24VDC Pow er Supply (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX013 14 point Exp.(8) 12VDC In, (6) Relay Out, 12VDC Power Supply (includes  IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX014 14 point Exp (8) 24VDC In, (6)24V DC Out, 24VDC Power Supply (includes  IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX015 14 point Exp (8) 12VDC In, (6)12VDC Out, 12VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX064 VersaMax Micro 64 point expansion (40) 24VDC inputs, relay outputs, 24VDC power supply.  Compatible with Micro 20/40/64 revision - Bx hardware only version 4.0 firmware and above.

IC200UEX122 14 point Exp (8) 24VDC In, (6)24V DC Out with ESCP, 24VDC Power Supply  (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX164 VersaMax Micro 64 point expansion (40) 24VDC inputs, relay outputs, AC power supply.  Compatible with Micro 20/40/64 revision -Bx hardware only version 4.0 firmware and above.

IC200UEX209 28 point expansion.  (16) 120VAC In, (12) Relay Out (2 @ 10 amp & 10 @  2 amp), 120/240VAC Power Supply.  (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX209-24 Qty of 24, 28 point expansion.  (16) 120VAC In, (12) Relay Out (2 at 1 0 amp & 10 at 2 amp), 120/240VAC Power Supply (includes Ic200CBL501)

IC200UEX210 28 point expansion.  (16) 120VAC In, (12) 120VAC Out, 120/240VAC Power  Supply.  (Includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX210-24 Qty of 24, 28 point expansion.  (16) 120VAC In, (12) 120VAC Out, 120/2 40VAC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX211 28 point expansion.  (16) 24VDC In, (12) Relay Out, 120V/240AC Power S upply (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX211-24 Qty of 24, 28 point expansion.  (16) 24VDC In, (12) Relay Out, 120V/24 0AC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX212 28 point expansion.  (16) 24VDC In, (12) Relay Out, 24VDC Power Supply  (included IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX212-24 Qty of 24, 28 point expansion.  (16) 24VDC In, (12) Relay Out, 24VDC P ower Supply (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX213 28 point expansion.  (16) 12VDC In, (12) Relay Out, 12VDC Power Supply  (included IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX214 28 point expansion.  (16) 24VDC In, (12) 24VDC Out, 24VDC Power Supply  (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX215 28 point expansion.  (16) 12VDC In, (12) 12 VDC Out, 12VDC Power Suppy  (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX222 28 point expansion.  (16) 24VDC In, (12) 24VDC Out with ESCP, 24VDC Po wer Supply (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX264 VersaMax Micro 64 point expansion (40) 24VDC inputs, 24VDC source outputs with ESCP, 24VDC power supply.  Compatible with Micro 20/40/64 revision -Bx hardware only version 4.0 firmware and above.

IC200UEX364 VersaMax Micro 64 point expansion (40) 24VDC inputs, 24VDC sink outputs, 24VDC power supply.  Compatible with Micro 20/40/64 revision -Bx hardware only version 4.0 firmware and above.

IC200UEX616 6 channel Analog expansion.  (4) Analog inputs & (2) Analog outputs, 1 2VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX624 VersaMax Micro 4 channel Analog input expansion.  (4) Analog inputs, 24VDC Power Supply (*includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX626 6 channel Analog expansion.  (4) Analog inputs & (2) Analog Outputs, 2 4VDC Power Supply (*includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX626-24 Qty of 24, 6 channel Analog expansion.  (4) Analog inputs & (2) Analog  Outputs, 24VDC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX636 6 channel Analog expansion.  (4) Analog inputs & (2) Analog outputs. 120/240 VAC Power Supply (includes IC200CBL501)

IC200UEX636-24 Qty of 24, 6 channel Analog expansion.  (4) Analog inputs & (2) Analog  outputs.  120/240

IC200UEX724 RTD expansion module for VersaMax Micro Pt 100, -100 to 600 C-150 to 1050 F 2 and 3 wire support. Channel update is 141/563 ms (selectable) for all channels

IC200UEX726 RTD expansion module for VersaMax Micro Pt 100, -100 to 600 C-150 to 1050 F 2 and 3 wire support and 2 analog output voltage and current.

IC200UEX734 RTD expansion module for VersaMax Micro Pt 100, -100 to 600 C-150 to 1050 F 2 and 3 wire support. Channel update is 141/563 ms (selectable) for all channels

IC200UEX736 RTD expansion module for VersaMax Micro Pt 100, -100 to 600 C-150 to 1050 F 2 and 3 wire support and 2 analog output voltage and current.

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