March 31, 2019 – All companies must submit total fluorine tests on certified products.
June 30, 2019 – DIN CERTCO reviews tests, and BPI notifies companies that haven’t submitted tests about certifications being discontinued.
September 30, 2019 – BPI notifies companies of the test results. For passing results, BPI sends reminders of the upcoming requirement for companies to sign a statement indicating that “no fluorinated chemicals have been intentionally added” to any of their BPI certified products. For non-passing results, BPI and companies will establish plans for managing existing inventory items featuring "BPI certified" logos, messaging or both.
December 31, 2019 – Companies to confirm that inventory with over 100 ppm will no longer be labeled or marketed as BPI certified, and that failure to do so will result in notification from BPI's lawyer.
We strongly encourage BPI Members to do this testing as soon as possible, and to submit results ahead of the March 31, 2019 deadline. The total fluorine test can be requested as an add-on to the Metals test if you are in the process of certifying or re-certifying, and can also be ordered on its own.
Until March 31, 2019, companies are still permitted to certify and re-certify products containing fluorinated chemicals, but will be notified when applying that failure to comply with the 100ppm requirement by March 31, 2019 will result in that certificate expiring December 31, 2019, rather than the standard three-year licensing period.
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