概述:[中介]Requirements of BPI approval
Requirements of BPI approval
1) Formulation and Material Characteristics
a) Full formulation disclosure of each constituent >0.1% including its associated dry weight percent and supplier information, CAS#’s and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). The overall formulation percentage should equal 100. Carcinogens, reproductive toxins, or environmentally dangerous chemicals (PBT substances) are not permitted to be present in the formulation. Any external additive such as inks, coatings, lacquers and adhesives must be included in the formulation information.
b) Description of the Product(s) including a list of specific brand names and item numbers (also known as stock keeping units or SKU under which the product is identified to customers and in the market. For resins, intended end use(s) and manufacturing processes (injection, extrusion, thermoform, foodservice, film bags, laminations etc.)
c) Maximum thickness
d) Maximum density (required for bagasse, molded pulp and paper products)
e) Din Certco or Vincotte certificates, if applicable
2) Test Data to demonstrate compliance with ASTM D6400 or ASTM D6868
a) Biodegradation (Test data may not be older than two (2) years)
i) Biodegradation of the substrate by at least one of the following:
(1) Provide evidence of biodegradation of the substrate through the use of a Licensor Certified Product.
(2) Provide evidence of biodegradation of the substrate through testing performed by an Approved Testing Laboratory according to ASTM D5338 or an equivalent method (i.e. ISO 14855)
(3) Provide evidence of >95% biobased carbon content according to ASTM D6866 for unmodified materials of natural origin or paper
(4) Provide evidence of biodegradation of the substrate through scientific literature and/or research studies.
ii) Biodegradation of individual organic additives present in concentrations 1-10%, including, pigments, inks, colorants, scents, secondary polymers, glues, etc., by at least one of the following:
(1) Provide evidence of biodegradation of an additive through the use of a Licensor Certified Product.
(2) Provide evidence of biodegradation of the additive through testing performed by an Approved Testing Laboratory according to ASTM D5338, ISO 14855, ISO 14851 or ISO 14852.
(3) Provide evidence of biodegradation of the additive through scientific literature and/or research studies
b) Disintegration of the Final Product (Test Data must not be older than (2) years)
i) Quantitative disintegration of the final product at its maximum thickness and/or density, conducted by an Approved Testing Laboratory according to methods accepted in the most recent versions or ASTM D6400 or ASTM D6868 standard specifications.
c) Ecotoxicity / Phytotoxicity (Test Data must not be older than two (2) years)
i) Ecotoxicity should be performed according to OECD 208 after a successful disintegration test which was performed on the final product
ii) Must include the germination rate and biomass results for two plant species
iii) Ecotoxicity of additives > 0.1% must show proof that they are non-toxic
d) Regulated Metals Content (Test data must not be older than one (1) year)
i) To be performed on the final product
(1) Zinc, copper, nickel, cadmium, lead, mercury, chromium, molybdenum, selenium, arsenic and cobalt,
(2) To be performed by an Approved Testing Laboratory or ISO 17025 accredited laboratory for this specific method
e) Ash Content - Volatile Solids Content (Test data must not be older than one (1) year)
i) To be performed on the final product
(1) To be performed by an Approved Testing Laboratory or ISO 17025 accredited laboratory for this specific method
f) ATR or FTIR (Test data must not be older than one(1) year)
i) To be performed on the final product / product layers
(1) To be performed by an Approved Testing Laboratory or ISO 17025 accredited laboratory for this specific method.

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