供應鏈運輸、報關、工廠A Message From CTPAT 認證咨詢費用周期
概述:A Message From CTPAT Director Manuel A. Garza May 1, 2020
May 1, 2020
Dear CTPAT Members,
During these days of uncertainty, the Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) program wants you to know that we are here for you and working through these challenging times. Once again, the world has changed as we know it, and the way we conduct business and live our personal lives will need to adapt to the current environment until the COVID-19 pandemic is under control.
Our jobs, business models, and economic situations have been affected in some way, thus causing a strain to our normal day-to-day activities. Rest assured, CTPAT understands the current situation and how it is affecting disruptions in the supply chains and how the Ports of Entry must adjust to the ever changing Government mandates and priorities.
We, at CTPAT, are still providing critical daily services for our CTPAT partners, internal and external stakeholders, regarding the importation and exportation of merchandise.
- Our CTPAT staff has taken part in various CBP Port status briefings, to identify certain trends specific to CBP Ports of Entry you may frequent when importing cargo into the United States.
- While 2020 validations have currently ceased due to COVID-19, CTPAT is working diligently to explore alternative options that will ensure the continuity and security of the validation process.
- To provide CTPAT partners with more flexibility during this unprecedented time, CTPAT has established a process that now provides the submission of suspension/removal appeals via email, (ctpatappeals@cbp.dhs.gov) not just through postal mail.
- The CTPAT Portal continues to receive updates and bug fixes as well as receive incremental deployments to ensure a smooth transition of our new security profile.
- ITRAC data for CTPAT Trade Compliance partners has been uploaded into the CTPAT Portal and the Help Desk continues to operate during these tough times to address your CTPAT Portal needs.
We would also like to reiterate a few helpful hints for our partners.
- Please keep us informed of any issues that may significantly impact or compromise the reliability of your company’s supply chain, including notifying your SCSS of any security breaches or incidents.
- Examine your company’s risk assessment and business continuity plan to determine if adjustments need to be made to address the current trade environment.
- Continue to communicate with your assigned SCSS to discuss any concerns related to your membership and provide updates on any outstanding items.
- Periodically check the CTPAT Portal or the CTPAT website at www.cbp.gov/CTPAT for any updates relating to the new Minimum Security Criteria (last updated March 2020), eligibility requirements, helpful resources, and frequently asked questions (FAQ’s).
- Visit https://imports.cbp.gov/ for additional information and guidance on CBP COVID-19 relief efforts.
- If you are a CTPAT Trade Compliance Member, please continue to communicate with your National Account Manager (NAM).
- For assistance regarding the CTPAT Trade Compliance portal transition for current ISA members, please feel free to send an email to ctpattradecompliance@cbp.dhs.gov.
It is understandable you may have various questions regarding CTPAT specifically as it currently relates to your individual supply chains and the continuation of program mandates and benefits. CTPAT is committed to serving its partners to the best of our ability, even under these times of uncertainty.
If you have CTPAT issues or questions, you may reach out to your assigned SCSS/office manager or contact one of the six CTPAT Field Offices by email at:
Buffalo, New York ctpatfieldofficebuffalo@cbp.dhs.gov
Houston, Texas ctpatfieldofficehouston@cbp.dhs.gov
Los Angeles, California ctpatfieldofficelosangeles@cbp.dhs.gov
Miami, Florida ctpatfieldofficemiami@cbp.dhs.gov
New York, New York ctpatfieldofficenewyork@cbp.dhs.gov
Newark, New Jersey c-tpatfieldoffice-newark@cbp.dhs.gov
Lastly, CTPAT is currently working with the University of Houston to conduct an in-depth assessment of the CTPAT Program. The primary goals of this project are to identify trouble areas in need of improvement, better understand the program’s successful accomplishments and build upon them in the future, identify cost-benefit enhancements for industry members and for the CTPAT Program, and establish new or build upon existing program performance metrics. The assessment will cover the validation process, IT challenges, the New Minimum-Security Criteria, and the Trade Compliance Program. To accomplish this, the University of Houston will be conducting a broad survey of CTPAT. To ensure that the survey resonates with the program as best as possible, we are seeking volunteer stakeholders from a range of entity types to assist in preparing and testing the survey questions before they are sent to all partners later this summer. If you are interested in participating, please feel free to contact CTPATStudy@ct-strategies.com.
In conclusion, CTPAT understands the unique situations your company may be dealing with and how it may affect your participation in the CTPAT program. Therefore, various program deadlines will be taken into consideration and adjusted on a case-by-case basis. However, it is imperative that you contact your assigned SCSS before they become significant.
Please stay safe and healthy and we will get through this together. Thank you for your continued dedication and commitment to the CTPAT program.
Manuel A. Garza, Jr.
Office of Field Operations
CTPAT主任曼努埃爾·A·加爾薩(Manuel A. Garza)的話
- 我們的CTPAT工作人員參加了各種CBP港口狀態簡報,以查明您在將貨物進口到美國時可能經常遇到的CBP入境口岸的某些特定趨勢。
- 盡管由于COVID-19,目前2020年的驗證工作已停止,但CTPAT仍在努力探索可確保驗證過程連續性和安全性的替代方案。
- 為了在此空前的時間內為CTPAT合作伙伴提供更大的靈活性,CTPAT建立了一個流程,該流程現在不僅通過郵政,還通過電子郵件(ctpatappeals@cbp.dhs.gov)提供暫停/撤銷申訴的提交。
- CTPAT門戶將繼續接收更新和錯誤修復,以及接收增量部署,以確保我們新的安全配置文件的平穩過渡。
- CTPAT貿易合規合作伙伴的ITRAC數據已上傳到CTPAT門戶中,在這些困難時期,幫助臺將繼續運行,以滿足您的CTPAT門戶需求。
- 如果可能嚴重影響或損害公司供應鏈可靠性的任何問題,請及時通知我們,包括將任何安全漏洞或事件通知SCSS。
- 檢查您公司的風險評估和業務連續性計劃,以確定是否需要針對當前的貿易環境進行調整。
- 繼續與您指定的SCSS進行交流,討論與您的會員資格有關的任何問題,并提供有關未完成項目的最新信息。
- 定期檢查CTPAT門戶網站或CTPAT網站www.cbp.gov/CTPAT,以獲取有關新的最低安全標準(最新更新于2020年3月),資格要求,有用的資源以及常見問題解答(FAQ)的任何更新。
- 有關CBP COVID-19救援工作的更多信息和指南,請訪問https://imports.cbp.gov/。
- 如果您是CTPAT貿易合規性會員,請繼續與您的國民客戶經理(NAM)聯系。
- 對于當前ISA成員有關CTPAT貿易合規門戶過渡的幫助,請隨時發送電子郵件至ctpattradecompliance@cbp.dhs.gov。
如果您有CTPAT問題或疑問,可以聯系指定的SCSS /辦公室經理,或通過以下電子郵件聯系六個CTPAT外地辦事處之一:
德克薩斯州休斯頓 ctpatfieldofficehouston@cbp.dhs.gov
加利福尼亞洛杉磯 ctpatfieldofficelosangeles@cbp.dhs.gov
佛羅里達邁阿密 ctpatfieldofficemiami@cbp.dhs.gov
紐約,紐約 ctpatfieldofficenewyork@cbp.dhs.gov
新澤西州紐瓦克 c-tpatfieldoffice-newark@cbp.dhs.gov

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