CTPAT運輸、報關、工廠A Message From CTPAT認證咨詢輔導-申
A Message From CTPAT Director Manuel Garza
The New Mininum Security Criteria Updates Now Available
Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) is but one layer in U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) multi-layered cargo enforcement strategy. Through this program, CBP works with the trade community to strengthen international supply chains and improve United States border security. CTPAT is a voluntary public-private sector partnership program which recognizes that CBP can provide the highest level of cargo security only through close cooperation with the principle stakeholders of the international supply chain such as importers, carriers, consolidators, licensed customs brokers, and manufacturers. The Security and Accountability for Every Port Act of 2006 provided a statutory framework for the CTPAT program and imposed strict program oversight requirements.
A Growing Partnership
From its inception in November 2001, CTPAT continued to grow. Today, more than 11,400 certified partners spanning the gamut of the trade community, have been accepted into the program. The partners include U.S. importers/exporters, U.S./Canada highway carriers; U.S./Mexico highway carriers; rail and sea carriers; licensed U.S. Customs brokers; U.S. marine port authority/terminal operators; U.S. freight consolidators; ocean transportation intermediaries and non‐operating common carriers; Mexican and Canadian manufacturers; and Mexican long‐haul carriers, all of whom account for over 52 percent (by value) of cargo imported into the U.S.
How CTPAT works
When an entity joins CTPAT, an agreement is made to work with CBP to protect the supply chain, identify security gaps, and implement specific security measures and best practices. Applicants must address a broad range of security topics and present security profiles that list action plans to align security throughout the supply chain.
CTPAT members are considered to be of low risk, and are therefore less likely to be examined at a U.S. port of entry.
CTPAT Benefits
CTPAT Partners enjoy a variety of benefits, including taking an active role in working closer with the U.S. Government in its war against terrorism. As they do this, Partners are able to better identify their own security vulnerabilities and take corrective actions to mitigate risks. Some of the benefits of the program include:
- Reduced number of CBP examinations
- Front of the line inspections
- Possible exemption from Stratified Exams
- Shorter wait times at the border
- Assignment of a Supply Chain Security Specialist to the company
- Access to the Free and Secure Trade (FAST) Lanes at the land borders
- Access to the CTPAT web-based Portal system and a library of training materials
- Possibility of enjoying additional benefits by being recognized as a trusted trade Partner by foreign Customs administrations that have signed Mutual Recognition with the United States
- Eligibility for other U.S. Government pilot programs, such as the Food and Drug Administration’s Secure Supply Chain program
- Business resumption priority following a natural disaster or terrorist attack
- Importer eligibility to participate in the Importer Self-Assessment Program (ISA)
- Priority consideration at CBP’s industry-focused Centers of Excellence and Expertise
How Do I Become a Partner?
Participation in CTPAT is voluntary and there are no costs associated with joining the program. Moreover, a company does not need an intermediary in order to apply to the program and work with CBP; the application process is easy and it is done online. The first step is for the company to review the CTPAT Minimum Security Criteria for their business entity to determine eligibility for the program. The second step is for the company to submit a basic application via the CTPAT Portal system and to agree to voluntarily participate. The third step is for the company to complete a supply chain security profile. The security profile explains how the company is meeting CTPAT’s minimum security criteria. In order to do this, the company should have already conducted a risk assessment. Upon satisfactory completion of the application and supply chain security profile, the applicant company is assigned a CTPAT Supply Chain Security Specialist to review the submitted materials and to provide program guidance on an on-going basis. The CTPAT program will then have up to 90 days to certify the company into the program or to reject the application. If certified, the company will be validated within a year of certification.
If you have CTPAT issues or questions, please contact your Supply Chain Security Specialist or one of the six CTPAT Field Offices by email at:
- Buffalo, New York ctpatfieldofficebuffalo@cbp.dhs.gov
- Houston, Texas ctpatfieldofficehouston@cbp.dhs.gov
- Los Angeles, California ctpatfieldofficelosangeles@cbp.dhs.gov
- Miami, Florida ctpatfieldofficemiami@cbp.dhs.gov
- New York, New York ctpatfieldofficenewyork@cbp.dhs.gov
- Newark, New Jersey c-tpatfieldoffice-newark@cbp.dhs.gov
Note: Technical issues should be reported via telephone to the national Help Desk at 1-800-927-8729 or via email to ctpathelpdesk@cbp.dhs.gov.
Visit www.cbp.gov/CTPAT for instructions to complete annual reviews, and to view training materials related to common CTPAT processes. Also information on new features will be posted to the CTPAT Public Library.
CTPAT主任曼努埃爾·加爾薩(Manuel Garza)的話
- 減少CBP檢查次數
- 線前檢查
- 可能免除分層考試
- 邊境等待時間更短
- 向公司分配供應鏈安全專家
- 進入陸地邊界的自由貿易通道(FAST)
- 訪問基于CTPAT的Web門戶系統和培訓資料庫
- 通過與美國簽署互認協議的外國海關管理部門認可為可信賴的貿易伙伴,可以享受額外的利益
- 符合其他美國政府試點計劃的資格,例如食品和藥物管理局的安全供應鏈計劃
- 自然災害或恐怖襲擊后恢復營業的優先級
- 進口商有資格參加進口商自我評估計劃(ISA)
- CBP以行業為中心的卓越和專長中心的優先考慮
參加CTPAT是自愿的,加入該計劃不會產生任何費用。此外,公司不需要中介人即可申請該計劃并與CBP合作;申請過程很容易,并且可以在線完成。第一步是公司要審查其企業實體的CTPAT最低安全標準,以確定該計劃的資格。第二步是讓公司通過CTPAT Portal系統提交基本申請并同意自愿參加。第三步是讓公司完成供應鏈安全配置文件。安全配置文件說明了公司如何滿足CTPAT的最低安全標準。為此,公司應該已經進行了風險評估。圓滿完成申請和供應鏈安全配置文件后,將為申請公司分配CTPAT供應鏈安全專家,以審查提交的材料并持續提供計劃指導。然后,CTPAT計劃將有長達90天的時間來證明公司加入該計劃或拒絕該申請。如果獲得認證,則公司將在認證后一年內通過驗證。
- 紐約州布法羅 ctpatfieldofficebuffalo@cbp.dhs.gov
- 德克薩斯州休斯頓 ctpatfieldofficehouston@cbp.dhs.gov
- 加利福尼亞洛杉磯 ctpatfieldofficelosangeles@cbp.dhs.gov
- 佛羅里達邁阿密 ctpatfieldofficemiami@cbp.dhs.gov
- 紐約,紐約 ctpatfieldofficenewyork@cbp.dhs.gov
- 新澤西州紐瓦克 c-tpatfieldoffice-newark@cbp.dhs.gov

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