概述:Testing Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Wellink
Nie work: 13113011683
Fax 0755 -26,994,385
Shenzhen City Jia -linked detection Consulting Ltd. (JQL) is a professional product certification, system certification testing and counseling diversified group of companies , the company 's senior management are well-known testing organization engaged in product testing and certification engineer a variety of well-known consultant or systems certification bodies , with strong technical force detection system consulting and management capabilities, the company is serving the purpose for domestic SMEs to provide one-stop product certification, system certification , laboratory accreditation services , the company determined to become a partner of domestic SMEs , providing excellent service . SGS Group is Switzerland and Romania CEPROM designated partners , is currently the only agent in southern China on the issue of SGS and CEPROM mechanical products comply with EU Directive 2006/ 95 / and 2006/42/EC institutions , machinery products enable companies to successfully enter EU market to provide a reliable guarantee.
Group 's main business is :
First, the product certification : Group Company is electronic and electrical product safety (Safety), electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), hazardous materials and finished product analysis testing and certification (RoHS), radio communications testing and certification agency , battery product testing and certification agency professional services organization , the company currently has a sizeable security , third-party testing laboratory electromagnetic compatibility , batteries, and other harmful elements detection capabilities , the company is in strict accordance with the laboratory , CNAS-CL01: 2006 (ISO/IEC17025: 2005 ) testing and calibration laboratories accreditation criteria to establish a sound management system, and follow the " fair, scientific , accurate and honest" service. And has been recognized by many international and domestic certification bodies, including: Rheinland (TUV), American UL, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the United States TIMCO, Switzerland (SGS), inspection and quarantine authorities , local quality inspection institutions , and and national laboratories to detect major domestic institutions have a good working relationship . Group has a team of experienced test engineers and outstanding and professional sales team can provide the standard advice, component selection , application documentation for your product testing, factory inspection, corrective measures , and certified "one-stop " service , will ensure that you use the shortest possible time , the most reasonable cost , smooth access to the global market .
Second, the system certification : Group company is also a well-known system certification services, has the most outstanding domestic system certification auditors and consultants, the success of many well-known domestic enterprises and laboratories certified , accredited consulting services, primarily for system certification consulting companies provide for ISO9000, ISO14000, ISO17025, OHSAS18000 and so on.
Provide you with professional certification services : European Certification : Environmental RoHS / WEEE CE certification GS certification system worldwide mutual recognition CB German VDE automotive E / e Mark , etc. ; Americas Certification: American UL FCC FDA ETL Canada, CSA , etc. ; Australia Certification: Australia C- Tick Australia SAA , etc. ; Asia certification: Singapore PSB Japan Japan PSE EMC VCCI; China certification: China compulsory Certification China CQC voluntary certification ;
Information Information products
Switching power supply , network card , keyboard, mouse, network phones, cameras , game pads , mobile hard drives, digital photo frames , displays, multimedia audio , scanners , projectors, set-top boxes , optical transceivers , MP3/MP4, HUB, wired doorbell , infrared sensors and other AV
Audiovisual category
DVD player , DVD, TV, monitor , subwoofer ( amplifier ) , tape recorders , stereos, Walkman ;
Energy-saving lamps , table lamps , floor lamps, wall lamps, chandeliers, garden lights , Christmas lights, ballasts , etc. ;
Small appliances
Water dispenser, rice cooker, toaster , oven , straight hair , fried juice machine, blender , food processor , etc. ;
Communication Products
Corded telephones , caller display, telephone answering machines , MODEM, fax machines, switches, etc. ; toys, electronic toys , plastic toys, etc. ; wireless products wireless keyboard , mouse , telephone, intercom, burglar alarm host , cell phone signal jammers , Bluetooth devices , a microphone, etc. ;
Light industrial products
Batteries , bicycles , plywood , fiber products , metal products ;
Group laboratory support equipment
The lab , elegant environment, excellent test environment with low background noise ; currently EMC laboratory has to meet international standards of the test site : 3m/10m open test field (Radiated Test) semi-anechoic chamber (EMI Pretest) Shielded Room ( Conducted / Power Clamp Test) magnetic radiation test chamber (lighting devices Test) ultra- low-frequency radiation test chamber (LR / TCO Test) electromagnetic interference edit room (EMI Debug) fully anechoic chamber (RS Test) electrostatic discharge test chamber (ESD Test) lightning test chamber (Surge Test) Conducted tolerance test chamber (CS Test) of fast pulse & power & voltage harmonic movements & field tolerance test chamber (EFT / Harmonics / Flickers / Magnetic immunity test) Immunity edit room (RS Debug ) safety test chamber (Safety Test) major equipment purchased from the world top Caine instrument manufacturers. Experts on-site installation , commissioning and calibration to meet automation, intelligent testing requirements , automatic testing, automatic camera , automatic printing , automatic calibration, and the ability to upgrade and expansion . The main test system configurations are: harassment Power / conduction disturbance voltage automatic test systems, lighting equipment / appliances EMI automatic test system , GSM, CDMA base station simulation / EMI automatic test systems. EMS automatic test systems, power amplification system , harmonic / voltage fluctuations and flicker test system , electrostatic discharge immunity , electrical fast transient burst immunity blocks , surge immunity , voltage sags , dips and interruptions anti- the degree of interference , lightning test systems

Group 's main business is :
First, the product certification : Group Company is electronic and electrical product safety (Safety), electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), hazardous materials and finished product analysis testing and certification (RoHS), radio communications testing and certification agency , battery product testing and certification agency professional services organization , the company currently has a sizeable security , third-party testing laboratory electromagnetic compatibility , batteries, and other harmful elements detection capabilities , the company is in strict accordance with the laboratory , CNAS-CL01: 2006 (ISO/IEC17025: 2005 ) testing and calibration laboratories accreditation criteria to establish a sound management system, and follow the " fair, scientific , accurate and honest" service. And has been recognized by many international and domestic certification bodies, including: Rheinland (TUV), American UL, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the United States TIMCO, Switzerland (SGS), inspection and quarantine authorities , local quality inspection institutions , and and national laboratories to detect major domestic institutions have a good working relationship . Group has a team of experienced test engineers and outstanding and professional sales team can provide the standard advice, component selection , application documentation for your product testing, factory inspection, corrective measures , and certified "one-stop " service , will ensure that you use the shortest possible time , the most reasonable cost , smooth access to the global market .
Second, the system certification : Group company is also a well-known system certification services, has the most outstanding domestic system certification auditors and consultants, the success of many well-known domestic enterprises and laboratories certified , accredited consulting services, primarily for system certification consulting companies provide for ISO9000, ISO14000, ISO17025, OHSAS18000 and so on.
Provide you with professional certification services : European Certification : Environmental RoHS / WEEE CE certification GS certification system worldwide mutual recognition CB German VDE automotive E / e Mark , etc. ; Americas Certification: American UL FCC FDA ETL Canada, CSA , etc. ; Australia Certification: Australia C- Tick Australia SAA , etc. ; Asia certification: Singapore PSB Japan Japan PSE EMC VCCI; China certification: China compulsory Certification China CQC voluntary certification ;
Information Information products
Switching power supply , network card , keyboard, mouse, network phones, cameras , game pads , mobile hard drives, digital photo frames , displays, multimedia audio , scanners , projectors, set-top boxes , optical transceivers , MP3/MP4, HUB, wired doorbell , infrared sensors and other AV
Audiovisual category
DVD player , DVD, TV, monitor , subwoofer ( amplifier ) , tape recorders , stereos, Walkman ;
Energy-saving lamps , table lamps , floor lamps, wall lamps, chandeliers, garden lights , Christmas lights, ballasts , etc. ;
Small appliances
Water dispenser, rice cooker, toaster , oven , straight hair , fried juice machine, blender , food processor , etc. ;
Communication Products
Corded telephones , caller display, telephone answering machines , MODEM, fax machines, switches, etc. ; toys, electronic toys , plastic toys, etc. ; wireless products wireless keyboard , mouse , telephone, intercom, burglar alarm host , cell phone signal jammers , Bluetooth devices , a microphone, etc. ;
Light industrial products
Batteries , bicycles , plywood , fiber products , metal products ;
Group laboratory support equipment
The lab , elegant environment, excellent test environment with low background noise ; currently EMC laboratory has to meet international standards of the test site : 3m/10m open test field (Radiated Test) semi-anechoic chamber (EMI Pretest) Shielded Room ( Conducted / Power Clamp Test) magnetic radiation test chamber (lighting devices Test) ultra- low-frequency radiation test chamber (LR / TCO Test) electromagnetic interference edit room (EMI Debug) fully anechoic chamber (RS Test) electrostatic discharge test chamber (ESD Test) lightning test chamber (Surge Test) Conducted tolerance test chamber (CS Test) of fast pulse & power & voltage harmonic movements & field tolerance test chamber (EFT / Harmonics / Flickers / Magnetic immunity test) Immunity edit room (RS Debug ) safety test chamber (Safety Test) major equipment purchased from the world top Caine instrument manufacturers. Experts on-site installation , commissioning and calibration to meet automation, intelligent testing requirements , automatic testing, automatic camera , automatic printing , automatic calibration, and the ability to upgrade and expansion . The main test system configurations are: harassment Power / conduction disturbance voltage automatic test systems, lighting equipment / appliances EMI automatic test system , GSM, CDMA base station simulation / EMI automatic test systems. EMS automatic test systems, power amplification system , harmonic / voltage fluctuations and flicker test system , electrostatic discharge immunity , electrical fast transient burst immunity blocks , surge immunity , voltage sags , dips and interruptions anti- the degree of interference , lightning test systems

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