特 性:具有特殊的粘扣性.可與各種粘扣軟面配套使用.
3#勾 為雙勾,為YYY字型,不同的勾型可以使用在不同的產品上面,2#射出勾魔術貼適合使用在嬰兒披風、嬰兒衣服等上面;3#射出勾魔術貼適合 用在高檔服裝等上面;4#射出勾魔術貼適合用在高檔帳篷、背包等上面;也可以混合搭配使用.
Our company has newly launched black, white, transparent, nylon injection hook sewing products that do not crack (previously, when the weather was dry and cold, the sewing hook was often cracked when the injection hook was cracked, and the nylon double 66 product was made through improved research) This product has good toughness Prevents cracking when sewing
The 66-type ejection hook is specially designed for use with non-scratch Velcro and has a strong grip. It can be used on shoes or mountaineering bags to prevent slipping after water loss.
The injection hook Velcro is made of polymer and nylon raw materials by injection molding.
Features: It has special velcro properties. It can be used with various velcro soft surfaces.
(1) There are three different shapes of hooks.
(2) The appearance and height of the hook type are the same.
(3) The height of the hook type affects the adhesion of different strengths. And the number of times of use
(4) The density of the hook type: 60-100 pieces.
There are 3 types of hooks for shooting hook Velcro, 2# thin hook, 3# double hook, 4# thick hook.
3# hook is double hook, it is YYY font, different hook types can be used on different products, 2# injection hook Velcro is suitable for use on baby cloaks, baby clothes, etc.; 3# injection hook Velcro is suitable for use in High-end clothing, etc.; 4# injection hook Velcro is suitable for high-end tents, backpacks, etc.; can also be mixed and matched.
- szflzp發布的信息
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