Xin dragon home appliance repair co., LTD. Is a comprehensive service provider "than the urgent need of the client, the heart" is our service concept. Over the years, my company is now a large number of companies, factories, supermarkets, high-grade office buildings, hotels and other large-scale integrated field provides all kinds of central air conditioning and related auxiliary equipment design, debugging, maintenance and annual maintenance, water treatment and green clean neutral non-corrosive, at the same time to undertake: schools, office buildings, factories, hotels, shopping malls and other facilities of the central air conditioning project, fresh air, install and central air-conditioning duct cleaning, maintenance, maintenance. The food industry and medical industry of cold storage and cold storage, frozen reveals ark repair and maintenance

- sgaj888發布的信息
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- 鑫巨龍家電維修服務部是一家專業的家電維修服務型公司,是一家技術精湛的家電維修公司。我們主要與國內眾多品牌廠家進行服務合作,保證購買其品牌的客戶能得到優質的售后服務。公司技術實力雄厚,現代化管...
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