溴化鋰空調 家用 商用專業維修加氟 移機 保養 清洗
概述:Xin dragon home appliance maintenance department is professional air conditioning service in chengdu, the specialty is engaged in household air conditioner, commercial air conditioning, cent
Xin dragon home appliance maintenance department is professional air conditioning service in chengdu, the specialty is engaged in household air conditioner, commercial air conditioning, central air conditioning, maintenance to add fluoride, clear the first maintenance, installation, transport, switching service coverage in wuhou district, venture, jinjiang district, thesis, into greater China), high-tech, high-tech, salween, PI county, west Long Quanyi, shuangliu, chengdu huayang and surrounding areas, realize the city service, fast service; Southwest sichuan and chengdu as the core radiation integrated service providers of household air conditioner and central air conditioning refrigeration equipment, household air conditioner and central air conditioning agency (toward a large business/ability to transfer payment/open VAT bills). The main business scope are: chengdu air conditioning air conditioning to add fluoride, repair, chengdu chengdu air conditioning

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