全國聯保廠家直銷 德力汽油發電電焊一體機
WG Series Gasoline Generator and Welder
WG Series Gasoline Generator and Welder
3.技術領先: 采用最先進的IGBT軟開關數字化逆變焊接技術,再應用成熟且先進的焊接控制系統,起弧容易,從而保證提供優異的焊接品質,完全滿足常規焊接使用;
Main Application and Characteristics
1.The device can be used as both gasoline generator and welding machine.
The integration of Generator and Welder compact structure design,small volume, light weight, convenient to move, especially suitable for the areas without power supply, such as paddy field and water zone covering densely,mountainous,hilly and complex terrain area.
2.Strong Power:Be adopted with middle frequency permanent magnet generator, high technology, reliable performance,high power generation efficiency reached 90%, saving fuel. The assembly of the gasoline engine, can provide stable welding current, and can supply the 220V/50HZ AC power supply during the welding.
3.Advanced Technology: the use of IGBT soft switch inverter digital latest advanced welding technology, and application of new and advanced welding control system, easy arc starting, so that the equipment can provide excellent welding quality,can meet the general welding requirement completely.
4.Powerful Functions: WG6500MT has both the function of manual stick arc welding and argon arc welding;have advance aspirated, non-contact arc (arc distance is more than 10mm), the current slow rise and slow drop and delay stop gas, complete functions;
WG6500MP also has the pulse argon arc welding function, improve the function of equipment can meet the needs of the various welding requirement.
Technical Parameter
項目/型號 Item/Model |
WG3500M |
WG6500M |
WG6500MT |
WG6500MP |
發電機 Generator |
額定輸出電壓(V) Rated Voltage |
單相 / AC / 230V / 50HZ / 60HZ Single Phase/ AC / 230V / 50HZ / 60HZ |
額定輸出電流(A) Rated Current |
12.2A |
21.7A |
21.7A |
21.7A |
額定功率(KW) Rated Power |
2.8KW |
5.0KW |
最大功率(KW) Max Power |
3KW |
5.5KW |
功率因數 Power Factor |
1.0 |
冷卻方式 Cooling Method |
強制風冷 Forced Air-cooled |
Welding Machine |
焊接方式 Welding Type |
手工電弧焊 Manual arc Welding |
手工電弧焊 Manual arc Welding |
氬弧焊 Argon-arc Welding |
脈沖氬弧焊 Pulse Argon-arc Welding |
空載電壓(V) No-load Voltage |
66V |
56V |
電流調節范圍(A) Current Regulation Range |
20-120A |
20-150A |
最大焊接電流(A) Max Welding Current |
90A |
120A |
150A |
焊接電壓(V) Welding Voltage |
23.6V |
24.8V |
20.8-26V (MMA) |
20.8-26V(MMA) |
10.8-18V(TIG) |
10.8-18V(TIG) |
負載持續率 Duty Cycle |
80% |
35% |
60% |
整機 Whole Machine |
凈重(KG)與外形尺寸(MM) Net Weight Dimension |
43KG 610×470×420MM |
105KG 742×655×567MM |
Protection Grade/ |
F/IP23/B |

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