澳規插頭AS/NZS 3112:2012
概述:辦理澳規電源插座AS/NZS 3112:2011+A1: 2012檢測;直插式澳規電源隨機測試報告;CNAS資質授權認可SAA認證
辦理澳規電源插座AS/NZS 3112:2011+A1: 2012檢測;直插式澳規電源隨機測試報告;CNAS資質授權認可SAA認證
批準和試驗規范插塞和插座電源插座 AS/NZS3112:2011+A1: 2012
AS/NZS 3112:2011/Amdt 1:2012((AS/NZS 3112:2012))Approval and test specification - Plugs and socket-outlets澳洲插頭插座標準-72 pages找到了答案
?id=49下載地址~!更多關于澳洲SAA認證的歡迎聯系和咨詢: 13430540339 黃工 QQ:1519204190
澳大利亞的插頭插座是按澳大利亞和新西蘭的AS/NZS 3112制造標準。用在澳大利亞,新西蘭,斐濟和巴布亞新幾內亞等國家。插頭和插座電氣標準分為10A、15A和20A。插頭的形式是扁三角的和中國標準類似,插腳排列方向相反。澳大利亞和新西蘭的認證機構和測試機構是互相認可通用的。兩國的插頭檢測標準也是一致的。
澳規電源插插頭(SAA |AS/NZS 3112)的標準規範?
澳大利亞國際標準公司(Standards Australia International Limited)是澳大利亞唯一的標準認證機構。該機構于1922年成立,當時名稱為澳大利亞聯邦工程標準協會,1929年更名為澳大利亞標準協會。隨著業務的不斷發展,1990年又增加了質量認證服務有限公司(Quality Assurance Services Pty Ltd)。1999年,該機構徹底放棄了協會性質,以公司形式注冊至今。
辦理澳規電源插座AS/NZS 3112:2011+A1: 2012檢測;直插式澳規電源隨機測試報告;CNAS資質授權認可SAA認證
批準和試驗規范插塞和插座電源插座 AS/NZS3112:2011+A1: 2012
The plug matching the socket pictured on the left, used inAustralia,New Zealand,Fiji,Papua New GuineaandTokelau, has two flat pins forming an inverted V-shape plus an earthing pin. These flat blades measure 6.5 by 1.6 mm with the Active and Neutral pins of 17.35 mm in length set 30° to the vertical on a nominal pitch of 13.7 mm and the Earth pin being 20 mm in length.[1]A standard power outlet in Australia provides a nominal voltage of 230 volts at a maximum of 10 amps and always includes an earth connection. As in the UK, its outlets are individually switched for extra safety.[2]Argentinauses a similar plug, with pins 1 mm longer.
There are unearthed versions of theplugused with this outlet having only the two flat inverted V-aligned pins, without the Earthing pin. Such plugs are only to be used for devices where other safety standards are in use (e.g. double insulation) and these plugs are rated at a maximum of only 2.5 amps. They are not available separately but only integrally withpower cordsspecifically designed for the purpose.
A view of the Wiring Side of a typical dual power outlet is also shown on the right, together with an annotated view of the mechanism, without the front cover. (One "Rocker" switch has been disassembled to show its operation.)

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