1、用于低溫-196℃,高溫300℃之間,具有耐氣候性,抗老化。經實際應用,如在250℃高溫情況下,連續放置200天,不但強度不會變低,而且重量也不減少;在350℃ 高溫下放置120個小時,重量只減少0.6%左右;在-180℃超低溫情況下并可保持原有的柔軟性。
2 、非粘著性:表面光滑,不易粘附任何物質。易于清洗附著其表面的各種油漬、污點或其它附著物;漿糊、樹脂、涂料等幾乎所有粘著物質都可簡單地清除;
B: 各種食品烘焙、冷凍食品解凍(米飯、年糕、糖果等)
D: 工業藥品、橡塑膠片、電器零件熱處理、耐熱及非粘著的特殊條件運輸帶
E: 汽車零件的防銹粘結劑涂履運輸、帶有酸、堿、及其腐蝕物品的運輸帶
粘合機帶周長:主要特長:1、進行過防靜電處理 2、耐熱性能好3、抗沾性好4、走行穩定性好 5、耐久性好 6、容易維修
規格(mm):公稱厚度(0.220/0.245/0.280/0.385) 寬度(400-1200) 周長(1360-7000)
序號 型號 規格 適用機型
1 400 400×1520/1830MM 頂峰,佳友,佳田,威士,羽島,王子
2 450 450×1530/1830MM 威士,頂峰,佳田,羽島
3 460 460×1530/1830MM 佳友,宏光,鮑魚
4 500 500×1530/1880MM(1830MM、2450MM) 佳田,威士,佳暉,王子,海濱,方圓、佳友、捷威
5 500 500×1735/2020MM 佳田
6 600 600×2440MM(2675MM) 威士,佳田,羽島,頂峰, KDK( 佳友,新楓)
7 600 600×2100/4200MM 佳友
8 600 600×1400/2000MM 鮑魚
9 700 700×2450/2890MM 威捷
10 900 900×2450MM 佳田,威士,佳暉,佳友,頂峰
11 915 915×2450/3540MM 重機
12 1000 1000×3950/6730MM 佳友
13 1000 1000×3200MM 羽島
14 1010 1010×3200/6000MM(2830/4720MM)
15 1000*3890/4510 威士NHJ-Q-1000A
Teflon seamless fusing machine belt.PTFE Teflon Seamless Fusing Belt/Hashima/Oshima/Meyer/Martin/Malkan Fusing Belt..
Teflon seamless fusing machine belt.PTFE Teflon Seamless Fusing Belt/Hashima/Oshima/Meyer/Martin/Malkan Fusing BeltTeflon seamless fusing machine belt/PTFE Endless Fusing Belt
Teflon Seamless Fusing Belts are made of high strength fiberglass or Keviar,knitted by special equipment and coated with Teflon resin in high temperature. Seamless belts solve the problems of traditional fusing belts with joint such as bad stability, ruptures and deflecting for different girth on two sides at the joint. The seamless fusing belts have a smooth surface,excellent antistatic effect, long life using etc.advantages that other seam fusing belts don’t have ..
We suuply several types fusing machine belt
1. PTFE seamless fusing machine belt:
the belt is made of high tensile fiberglass or Kevlar, knitted by special equipment and coated with fine PTFE. Seamless belt overcomes former problems of traditional joint fusing machine belt such as bad stability, ruptures, and deflecting for different girth on two sides at the joint. The using life of seamless PTFE Fusing Machine Belt are much longer than all kinds of joint PTFE Fusing Machine Belt.
2.2ply fusing machine belt:
with static-resistance varnished cloth inside and tearing-resistance fiberglass cloth outside, 2ply belt has a great improvement on its intensity, long using life, well balanced thickness, excellent deflecting preventing capacity, smooth surface, its better for super thin fabric fusing.
3.Common seam fusing machine belt:
Seam fusing machine belt is made of fine material. The surface is smooth and luster and the price is competitive. It can substitute imported high price belts.
Features of PTFE fusing machine belt:
1)High temperature resistance and adherence resistance;
2)Good tensile strength, preventing deflecting;
3)Excellent capability of resistance of static;
4)mooth surface, more suits for super thin lining;
5)Flex fatigue resistance, durable, long using life;[本信息來自于今日推薦網]

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