CPNP Notification(CPNP通報)
A significant new duty on importers and manufacturers of cosmetic products, brought in by the new Regulation (EC 1223/2009), is the duty to notify the Commission in detail about all the products marketed by the responsible persons.
All cosmetic products placed on the European market are obliged to be registered to the new Cosmetic Products Notification Portal (CPNP).
The data required to be input to the web based CPNP includes(CPNP將包含以下內容):
Whether the product is manufactured in, or imported into, the EU.
Whether the product is specifically intended for children under 3 years of age.
Whether the product contains any ingredients that are classified as CMR’s.
Whether it contains nanomaterials.
The physical form of the product, e.g. powder, liquid, gel, foam etc.
Whether different shades of the same product will be available, e.g. lipsticks.
Whether the product is intended for use on the skin, hair, nails etc.
Details on the formulation of the product. There are a number of predefined formulations, or alternatively, exact concentration or concentration range formulation may be chosen.
An image of the product label.
An image of the original product packaging.
We can perform the notification of your cosmetic products to CPNP. Contact us for more information.

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