品牌: 歐萊斯
包裝: 1KG/罐 12公斤/箱
顏色: 紅、黃、藍、黑、白、金紅、大紅
4. 加入固化劑的油墨使用時限為8小時,過期請棄用,剩余油墨不可回收
4.根據(jù)氣候變化,請遠離火源,陰暗處15度-30度環(huán)境下存放Product i n f ormation
Name: oleser stainless steel UV series ink
Brand: Brand Name:
Packing: 1KG/ 12 kg / box
Color: red, yellow, blue, black, white, red, red
Product features
(1) excellent adhesion and printing
(2) excellent adhesion to all kinds of plastic substrates
(3) the operation of the printing press is stable and the offset is good.
Scope of application
The Las Olas metal printing UV silk screen printing ink is suitable for stainless steel, polished stainless steel, metal, glass, ceramics and other substrates.
usage method:
1 rec o mmended to use my c o mpany‘s special diluent dilution, do not rec o mmend the use of 783 slow dry dilution dilution, before use should be fully stirred, sealed at any time after the.
2. Mixing Cabern e t c o mpanies supporting open water10-12% and dilution to printing for viscosity, printing the dilution used printing special thinner; with 718washing n e t w ork water cleaning.
3 shall not be mixed with other types of ink, or else it is prone to other adhesion, chemical reactions and other undesirable phenomena.
4 add hardener inks use time limit for 8 hours, please not expired, the remaining ink Unrecyclable
Matters needing attention:
1. All kinds of printing material similar in appearance, but may be of different materials, customers need to try printing and ensure its requirements, and then bulk production.
2 in the printing process, such as drawing or spread out, may be appropriate to add some slow dry paste;
3 ambient temperature is too high, will affect the quality of the original ink. More than 150 white will change color when baking, please use woodiness material bottom baking, not in direct contact with iron
4 ac c ording to climate change, please stay away from the fire source, dark place 15 degrees -30 degrees under the environment

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