Advantages of laser processing:
Non contact processing, high speed, high precision, small deformation, enhance the added value of products
Computer editing, no need to open mold, save costs, shorten the development cycle
Effect of fine, no processing stress, high consistency of high imitation
The laser processing cost is low, and no template is suitable for mass production and small batch production.
Laser processing of environmentally friendly non-toxic, no pollution in compliance with the RoHs standard
Laser processing is using high energy density laser beam on the surface of the workpiece to local irradiation, rapid gasification or color change of the material surface so as to expose the deep material, or lead to the physical surface of chemical and physical changes and carving out trace, or is through the energy of light burned material part, show the etching patterns, text, or precision drilling, cutting and groove processing. According to the type of laser can be divided into solid state lasers and gas lasers.
Professional production and sales: semiconductor laser hit marking machine, optical fiber laser hit the marking machine, CO2 laser hit the marking machine, green laser hit the marking machine, optical fiber laser cutting machine automatic laser welding machine, pneumatic industrial grade 3D printers, CO2 laser, fiber laser repair...

Advantages of laser processing:
Non contact processing, high speed, high precision, small deformation, enhance the added value of products
Computer editing, no need to open mold, save costs, shorten the development cycle
Effect of fine, no processing stress, high consistency of high imitation
The laser processing cost is low, and no template is suitable for mass production and small batch production.
Laser processing of environmentally friendly non-toxic, no pollution in compliance with the RoHs standard
Laser processing is using high energy density laser beam on the surface of the workpiece to local irradiation, rapid gasification or color change of the material surface so as to expose the deep material, or lead to the physical surface of chemical and physical changes and carving out trace, or is through the energy of light burned material part, show the etching patterns, text, or precision drilling, cutting and groove processing. According to the type of laser can be divided into solid state lasers and gas lasers.
Professional production and sales: semiconductor laser hit marking machine, optical fiber laser hit the marking machine, CO2 laser hit the marking machine, green laser hit the marking machine, optical fiber laser cutting machine automatic laser welding machine, pneumatic industrial grade 3D printers, CO2 laser, fiber laser repair...

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