應用范圍 PP油墨專用于未處理和預處理PP材料,如藥品盒/儀表顯示盤/醫療器械表面刻度印刷。
特性 1 干燥/固化 這是一種物理干燥很快的油墨。20℃溫度條件下10-15分鐘可干燥。若要加
應用范圍 PP油墨專用于未處理和預處理PP材料,如藥品盒/儀表顯示盤/醫療器械表面刻度印刷。
特性 1 干燥/固化 這是一種物理干燥很快的油墨。20℃溫度條件下10-15分鐘可干燥。若要加印,在50℃的隧道式干燥機中干燥60秒即可堆放。
應用範圍 PP油墨專用於未處理和預處理PP材料,如藥品盒/儀表顯示盤/醫療器械表面刻度印刷。
特性 1 幹燥/固化 這是壹種物理幹燥很快的油墨。20℃溫度條件下10-15分鐘可幹燥。若要加印,在50℃的隧道式幹燥機中幹燥60秒即可堆放。
PP series silk printing ink
Application range PP ink is specially designed for untreated and pretreated PP materials, such as drug box / instrument panel / medical instrument surface scale printing.
Characteristic 1 drying / curing this is a very fast ink for physical drying. 20 centigrade temperature can be dried for 10-15 minutes. If you want to print, in tunnel dryer 50 DEG C in 60 seconds can be stacked dry.
PP series silk printing ink
Application range PP ink is specially designed for untreated and pretreated PP materials, such as drug box / instrument panel / medical instrument surface scale printing.
Characteristic 1 drying / curing this is a very fast ink for physical drying. 20 centigrade temperature can be dried for 10-15 minutes. If you want to print, in tunnel dryer 50 DEG C in 60 seconds can be stacked dry.

應用范圍 PP油墨專用于未處理和預處理PP材料,如藥品盒/儀表顯示盤/醫療器械表面刻度印刷。
特性 1 干燥/固化 這是一種物理干燥很快的油墨。20℃溫度條件下10-15分鐘可干燥。若要加印,在50℃的隧道式干燥機中干燥60秒即可堆放。
應用範圍 PP油墨專用於未處理和預處理PP材料,如藥品盒/儀表顯示盤/醫療器械表面刻度印刷。
特性 1 幹燥/固化 這是壹種物理幹燥很快的油墨。20℃溫度條件下10-15分鐘可幹燥。若要加印,在50℃的隧道式幹燥機中幹燥60秒即可堆放。
PP series silk printing ink
Application range PP ink is specially designed for untreated and pretreated PP materials, such as drug box / instrument panel / medical instrument surface scale printing.
Characteristic 1 drying / curing this is a very fast ink for physical drying. 20 centigrade temperature can be dried for 10-15 minutes. If you want to print, in tunnel dryer 50 DEG C in 60 seconds can be stacked dry.
PP series silk printing ink
Application range PP ink is specially designed for untreated and pretreated PP materials, such as drug box / instrument panel / medical instrument surface scale printing.
Characteristic 1 drying / curing this is a very fast ink for physical drying. 20 centigrade temperature can be dried for 10-15 minutes. If you want to print, in tunnel dryer 50 DEG C in 60 seconds can be stacked dry.

- ks888888發布的信息
- PA尼龍料絲印移印油墨
- 低溫雙組份,可自干,防酒精,適合印刷玻璃,金屬。光澤度高,流平性好,遮光性好,不透底色,耐腐蝕,耐酒精 硬度高 ,耐磨性能優 應用于: 玻璃,金屬, 陶瓷,玻璃(鋼化)抗腐蝕性強,...
- PP移印UV油墨
- 適用范圍:對聚烯烴系列材料包括處理和未處理的OPP、BOPP、PP類片、板材,合成紙、PP類文具用品、KT板、發泡板等,也適用于部分已處理PE材質,其相應四色墨對PP類珠光紙、YUPO紙表現出優異的附著力。...
- PP絲印UV油墨
- 油墨特性: 平光、附著力極強、抗劃傷性能好、耐酒精、耐植物油、可絲印移櫻 適用材料: 表面處理或部分未處理的PP、OPP、PE...
- PP免處理耐正己烷油墨
- 1、油墨特性:低氣味,高光澤,色澤鮮艷,遮蓋力強,耐酒精。 2、適用材料:主要應用于各種五金,電鍍、PP材料。...
- PP免處理耐酒精油墨
- 1、油墨特性:低氣味,高光澤,遮蓋力強,過網性流平性好,耐酒精,耐汽油抗白電油,附著力好。 2、適用材料:主要應用于PP材料或經過火焰處理的PE材料、也可印某些金屬PU、電鍍件表面、可絲英可移櫻...
- PP免處理耐手汗油墨
- 適用材質: PE、PET瓶、PP、聚乙烯、聚丙烯、塑膠、塑料等材料。 產品特性: 本產品附著力好,柔韌性佳,固化速度快,氣味較低,耐酒精、甲苯。 主要產品: UV白墨 特點:不發黃,特白 UV紅墨、黃墨...