②應(yīng)用于印刷在PC片材及PVC片材做的薄膜開關(guān)、旗帆、 標(biāo)貼紙、不干膠、洗發(fā)水標(biāo)貼、軟容器和墻上飾板等。
②應(yīng)用于印刷在電鍍片材及真空電鍍片材做的塑膠、塑料電鍍、 金屬電鍍、五金電鍍、水電鍍等。
1. MPE系列是低氣味,亮光油墨;
2. 油墨細(xì)膩,干速較慢,適合面板的精細(xì)印刷;
3. 顏色鮮艷,遮蓋力強,顏料的耐曬性能突出;
4. 表干:室溫(25°C )自然揮發(fā),20-30min 實干:室溫(25 C )自然揮發(fā),2-4h。
Printed material:
(1) it is suitable to print a variety of different types of electroplating materials, including the latest model alloy electroplating.
It is applied to the printing of electroplating, electroplating, metal plating, metal plating and hydroelectric plating in electroplating sheet and vacuum electroplating sheet.
Physical properties:
1. MPE series are low smell, light ink;
2. ink is fine, the dry speed is slow, it is suitable for the fine printing of the panel.
3. bright colors, strong hiding power, the light fastness of pigment highlights;
4. table dry: room temperature (25 C) natural volatilization, 20-30min dry: room temperature (25 C) natural volatilization, 2-4h.
(central dry), 783 (Man Gan), the proportion of the general recommendation 10-15%.

②應(yīng)用于印刷在電鍍片材及真空電鍍片材做的塑膠、塑料電鍍、 金屬電鍍、五金電鍍、水電鍍等。
1. MPE系列是低氣味,亮光油墨;
2. 油墨細(xì)膩,干速較慢,適合面板的精細(xì)印刷;
3. 顏色鮮艷,遮蓋力強,顏料的耐曬性能突出;
4. 表干:室溫(25°C )自然揮發(fā),20-30min 實干:室溫(25 C )自然揮發(fā),2-4h。
Printed material:
(1) it is suitable to print a variety of different types of electroplating materials, including the latest model alloy electroplating.
It is applied to the printing of electroplating, electroplating, metal plating, metal plating and hydroelectric plating in electroplating sheet and vacuum electroplating sheet.
Physical properties:
1. MPE series are low smell, light ink;
2. ink is fine, the dry speed is slow, it is suitable for the fine printing of the panel.
3. bright colors, strong hiding power, the light fastness of pigment highlights;
4. table dry: room temperature (25 C) natural volatilization, 20-30min dry: room temperature (25 C) natural volatilization, 2-4h.
(central dry), 783 (Man Gan), the proportion of the general recommendation 10-15%.

- ks888888發(fā)布的信息
- 水電鍍絲印油墨
- 用了特種混合樹脂與顏料細(xì)制研磨加工組合而成的,具有多功能特點,應(yīng)用范圍廣。該產(chǎn)品附著力好,耐磨抗刮,耐酒精,耐蒸煮,防靜電。 適用于:加硬PC,加硬PMMA,噴PU表面、噴UV漆表面,電鍍面,不銹鋼,...
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- 本產(chǎn)品是采用高級進(jìn)口丙烯酸樹脂和高級顏料經(jīng)過細(xì)制研磨加工組合而成,適用范圍:各種金屬噴涂面、金屬噴漆面.金屬表面.金屬烤漆面.陶瓷、石材、電鍍(含水電鍍)、陽極氧化鋁表面、靜電噴漆面及烤漆面等制品...
- 電鍍表面絲印油墨
- 1.高溫180度8分鐘烘干、單組份,環(huán)保無毒,低氣味,用水作稀釋劑使用,安全方便,儲存時間長;顏色鮮艷,豐富,附著力強,耐水。品質(zhì)卓越。 2.環(huán)保:本公司生產(chǎn)的各種型號水性油墨在印刷過程中無有毒的有...
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- 本產(chǎn)品用了特種混合樹脂與顏料細(xì)制研磨加工組合而成的,具有多功能特點,應(yīng)用範(fàn)圍廣。該產(chǎn)品特性:亮光、遮蓋力高、附著力佳、耐酒精、耐白電油、耐摩擦。 1.適用範(fàn)圍: 加硬PC、加硬PMMA、噴PU表面、?..
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- 學(xué)生字帖印刷 學(xué)生作業(yè)本印刷廠哪家
- 直銷優(yōu)質(zhì)鈦白粉
- 電廠水泥廠撿漏專用熒光粉
- 供應(yīng)易撕貼 高粘易撕貼 特粘易撕貼 撕手貼 拉手貼
- 售后保障deublin旋轉(zhuǎn)接頭755-701-413-117原廠技術(shù)
- 英國禾大芥酸酰胺ER-CH 塑料開口劑 油墨爽滑劑
- F-1 安全智能反壓高溫蒸煮鍋
- 高藍(lán)光油墨著色顏料3164立索爾寶紅6B
- 天水油墨顏料永固黃RN
- 德國儀力信Erichsen232涂料油漆刮板細(xì)度計
- 供應(yīng)KY-380有色印字標(biāo)示機,一臺起訂
- 海德堡切紙機顯示屏維修
- 油墨清洗劑
- 訂做中式涂料桶模具價格