Ink type: after electroplating on the surface of the object, the general ink is difficult to attach to its surface. The 8 series of ink can solve the problem well. MPA series ink is a two component heating reaction ink. It shows excellent adhesion on the electroplating surface, hardened acrylic and spray paint surface, and is excellent in alcohol resistance, abrasion resistance and scratch resistance. The lower temperature (less than 90 C) is dry, which is very suitable for the use of the printed material on the surface of the plastic parts.
Application: it is suitable for electroplating surface, spray paint surface, aluminum sheet, and good adhesion on the surface of stainless steel under 150 C.
The appearance of the ink film: smooth, scratch resistant, and glossy effect
Covering capacity: using 300 mesh screen, each kilogram of ink is about 30 square meters.
Drying time: natural drying (25 C) for 10 minutes and 30-60 minutes of compulsory drying at 60-80 C. It can be dry and form adhesion.

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