概述:PPX耐手汗耐汽油, PPE,PPT還可以印電木,尼龍塑料,烤漆,噴粉,鋁,不銹鋼...金屬自干,PPE光面比PPT強,PPT漆面強點
1、網 板:250—350目聚脂絲網印版
2、膠 刮:建議使用70-85度聚氨酯膠刮
3、參考用量:250 目網板印刷約為30㎡/㎏
【保 質 期】
Printed matter:
Performance after 2 hours [instructions]
1, net board: 250 - 350 mesh polyester screen plate
2. Scraping: it is recommended to use 70-85 degrees of polyurethane scraping
3, dosage: 250 mesh screen printing is about 30 kg / square meters
4: 719, selection of solvent drying water, dry water, 783 dry slowly in 718, due to the environmental temperature, and the amount of general printing printing patterns of different sizes were chosen
5, net plate cleaning: use organic solvent cleaning (such as: washing water)
[curing agent]
[drying condition]
[product packaging]
1 kilograms, 5 kilograms, 20 kilos
[shelf life]
It can be stored for two years at 5 - 25 - C to avoid strong light, contact strong acid and strong alkali.
1, the material in the market is diverse, please test the performance first and then print it in batch.
2. Other tests, such as alcohol test, adhesion test, abrasion resistance test, etc., need to be done after the ink is completely dry.
3. Ink, the use and storage of diluents strictly prohibit fireworks. When used, pay attention to the ventilation condition of the construction site.
4, try to avoid direct skin contact. For those allergic to this product, a layer of skin creams or wearing gloves should be coated before use.
5, this product is inadvertently splashed in the entrance, nose, eye and ear, and uses a lot of water to clean or direct to the doctor.

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