(四)使用方法:1)網目 :150目-420網目,具體情況根據實際印刷的效果采取網目; 2)網版 :耐有機溶劑感光膠制作網版 3)刮刀 :耐溶劑刮刀,如聚胺脂刮刀。
(a) product features: high gloss, high color, alcohol resistant, resistant to gasoline, dry, baking free, single / double component, green screen printing can be.
(two) applicable object: Nylon
(three) applicable industry: machinery, transportation, tourist goods, etc.
(four) use methods: 1) mesh: 150 mesh -420 mesh, specific case is taken according to the actual printing effect; 2) screen: organic solvent photosensitive adhesive, screen 3) scraper: solvent resistant scraper, such as polyamine scraper.
(five) matters needing attention: 1) according to the characteristics of printed matter and printing platform, we can add 20%-30% special diluent to adjust concentration dilution, and the special products need surface treatment first. 2) different manufacturers of ink can not be used mixed, so as to avoid chemical and other dangerous behavior.
(6) Notice: 1) for natural drying ink: dry for 8-10 minutes, 8-10 hours for work, 24 hours for the best standards; 2) if the ink dry quickly, can be in the printing process, to speed up the dry water after printing or take the way of drying, temperature controlled at 80 degrees -140 degrees; 30) if the ink dry slowly, you can add a retarder.

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