本產品是選用高檔進口樹脂和高級顏料經過細制研磨加工組合而成,特別適用于移印及絲網高速印刷,不拉絲、不毛邊、不堵網、印跡飽滿、遮蓋力強。主要用于己處理及大部份未處理之聚丙烯PP、OPP、CPP、BOPP制品。 產品特性: 1、 不拉絲、不毛邊、不堵網、印跡飽滿、遮蓋力強。 2、 光澤好、手感好,平坦性良好、表面光潔; 3、 表面硬度好,耐沖擊性能強、抗刮傷;4、 耐酒精程度佳; 產品說明: 1、 細度:4 μ以下。 2、 適合于40T~165T(100目~420目)網版印刷,以120T聚酯單絲、感光膠網版計算涂覆蓋面積每公斤達35~40㎡。 3、 表干5分鐘,徹干24小時,附著力測試應在24小時后進行。 使用方法: 1.用B-07B專用稀釋劑進行稀釋,使用前應充分攪拌,用后隨時密封。 2.網版塞網時可用718洗網水清洗。 3.不得與其它類型油墨混合使用。 4.對于表面張力較小的材料,有可能產生附著力不佳的現象,可先用我司B-9240處理水或火焰處理法對底材進行處理后印刷,這樣可以提高油墨的附著力。 注意事項: 1.各種物料的外觀相似,但可能會是不同的材料,客戶需先試印,確其符合要求后,再批量生產。 2.如出現拉絲或散開現象,可適當加入一些慢干膏即可。 3.環境溫度過高,將會影響油墨原有質量。 4.請遠離火源,避光保存。This product is made of high-grade imported resin and pigment through fine grinding senior system combination, especially suitable for printing and screen printed, not drawing, no flash, no clogging, imprinted full, strong hiding power. Mainly used for their treatment and most untreated polypropylene PP, OPP, CPP, BOPP products. Product characteristics: 1, not drawing, no flash, no clogging, imprinted full, strong hiding power. 2, good gloss, feel good, flatness, good surface finish; 3, surface hardness, impact resistance performance is strong, scraping resistance; 4, excellent resistance to alcohol degree; Product Description: 1,: 4 μfollowing fineness. 2, suitable for 40T~165T ( 100 heads ~420 head ) screen printing, with 120T polyester monofilament, photosensitive adhesive coated screen calculation area every kilograms amount to 35~40 ㎡. 3, 5 minutes into dry, dry 24 hours, adhesion testing should be performed within 24 h after. Method of use: 1 with B-07B special diluent for dilution before use, should be fully stirred, use at any time after the seal. 2 screen plug network when available 718 washing network water cleaning. 3 may not with other types of ink mixing. 4 with small surface tension of the material, are likely to have poor adhesion phenomenon, can be the first to use our B-9240 to treat water or flame treatment method for substrate processing after printing, this can improve the ink adhesion. Note: 1 all kinds of materials, similar in appearance, but may be of different materials, customers need to try to make their mark, to meet the requirements of mass production, again. 2 such as drawing or spread phenomenon, may be appropriate to add some slow dry plaster. 3 the ambient temperature is too high, will influence the quality of the original ink. 4 stay away from fire source, preserved without light.[本信息來自于今日推薦網]

- kaixian發布的信息
- PP免處理油墨
- 油墨特性:擁有和德國彩麗寶一樣的顏色,主要用于PP、PE、BOPP等材料上,具有高色澤、高色彩、高遮蓋力、高穩定性、耐酒精及耐磨擦之特點。 ...
- 免處理PP油墨
- 承 印 物:PP(聚丙烯)、PE(聚乙烯)及類似材料 最終產品舉例:各類文具、各類包裝瓶罐(洗發水、化妝品包裝)、蓄電池等產品特性。 產品特性:印刷品表面平滑,光澤好于PPF系列,對PP、PE材 ...
- 絲印PP油墨
- 特性:PP油墨是一款適合于PP一表面絲英移英亮光的溶劑型油墨,印刷適性好,對PP表面有特別好的附著力,環保無毒,且干燥溫度低,可有效的節省能源。 2、 適用范圍:PP材質表面絲印移印; ...
- PP移印油墨
- 本產品采用高級進口丙烯酸樹脂和高級顏料經過細制研磨加工組合而成,適用范圍:處理后PE,PP,BOPP,LDPE,HDPE等絲印移印,常溫25度,低溫48小時,不需烘烤,即可獲得優異的附著力。 ...
- 移印PP油墨
- 1、 適用范圍:主要用于未處理之PP、OPP、BOPP、PET、PBT、PA尼龍、己處理之PE、LDPE、HDPE及ABS、PVC、PC、PMMA啞克力等多用常用工程塑料制品的絲印移櫻 ...