SE1X-701 黑色 耐候 非增強 阻燃 NORYL 電氣方面應用
NORYL SE1X-701是聚苯醚(PPE)+高抗沖聚苯乙烯(HIPS)的耐候和非增強混合物。這種可注塑,熱穩定和沖擊改性等級含有非溴化,非氯化和非鹵化阻燃劑,并在1.5毫米處具有UL94阻燃等級V-0 / V-1以及UL746C戶外適用性等級F1。NORYL SE1X-701具有強大的電氣性能、低吸濕性、尺寸穩定性和水解穩定性。這種材料非常適合室內和室外電氣外殼、供暖通風/空調 (HVAC) 應用以及太陽能/光伏 (PV) 接線盒應用。
NORYL SE1X is a weatherable & non-reinforced blend of polyphenylene ether (PPE) + high impact polystyrene (HIPS). This injection moldable, heat stabilized & impact modified grade contains non-brominated, non-chlorinated & non-halogenated flame retardant and carries a UL94 flame rating of V-0/V-1 at 1.5 mm along with a UL746C outdoor suitability rating of F1. NORYL SE1X offers strong electrical performance, low moisture absorption, dimensional stability, and hydrolytic stability. This material is an excellent candidate for indoor and outdoor electrical enclosures, heating ventilation/air conditioning (HVAC) applications, and solar/photovoltaic (PV) junction box applications.

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