S 778T SPF30 BK28214 耐候 外觀好ASA Luran 汽車外部件
Luran S 778T SPF30 BK28214材料是一種丙烯腈苯乙烯丙烯酸酯共聚物(ASA),具有長期耐用性和高質量的表面外觀。注塑級,具有增強的韌性和抗熱變形性。出色的抗紫外線性、持久的優質免漆、高光澤外觀和良好的尺寸穩定性相結合,使其成為前格柵和霧燈罩應用的理想聚合物。特別適用于汽車外部部件(例如散熱器格柵、后端貼花板和后視鏡外殼)。
Luran S 778T SPF30 BK28214 material is an acrylonitrile styrene acrylate copolymer (ASA),offering long-term durability, high-quality surface appearance.Injection moulding grade with enhanced toughness and resistance to heat distortion. A combination of excellent UV resistance, lasting premium paint-free, high gloss appearance with good dimensional stability, making it an ideal polymer for front grill and fog lamp cover applications.Especially suitable for exterior automotive components (eg radiator grills, rear end applique panels and mirror housings).

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