Arnitel EL630-08 奈高溫性 強度和柔韌性的獨特組合TPE 橡膠
Arnitel EL630-08 是一種好性能的未填充、非阻燃、熱塑性共聚酯 (TPE) 牌號。它表現出奈高溫性、強度和柔韌性的獨特組合,以及出色的加工特性。它是傳統橡膠的更輕、更智能、更環保的替代品,因此減少了對環境的影響,并最終降低了系統成本。Arnitel EL630-08 采用注塑成型加工。它用于汽車和電氣與電子應用。
Arnitel EL630-08 is an unfilled, non-flame retardant, thermoplastic copolyester (TPE) grade with high performance. It exhibits a unique combination of high temperature resistance, strength and flexibility with excellent processing characteristics. It is a lighter, smarter, greener alternative to conventional rubbers thus, reducing environmental impact and ultimately, system costs. Arnitel EL630-08 is processed by injection molding. It is used in automotive and electrical & electronic applications.

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