450G 良好抗磨性 低熱膨脹系數PEEK VICTREX 高強度高剛度應用
VICTREX PEEK 450G 是一種半結晶、高性能、未增強聚醚醚酮 (PEEK) 牌號。具有標準流量、優異的抗磨性、低摩擦系數和低熱膨脹系數。提供出色的強度、剛度、高延展性和出色的尺寸穩定性。提供耐化學性,不溶于酸,鹽和油等溶劑,低釋氣,低顆粒生成和固有純度,以減少污染。與鋼、鋁和鈦相比,它易于加工且重量輕。適用于注塑和擠出加工。用于高強度和剛度較高的應用。用于醫療和食品接觸應用的滅菌。VICTREX PEEK 450G 符合 FDA 標準。
VICTREX PEEK 450G is a semi-crystalline, high performance, unreinforced polyetheretherketone (PEEK) grade. Exhibits standard flow, excellent wear resistance, low coefficient of friction and low coefficient of thermal expansion. Provides excellent strength, stiffness, high ductility and excellent dimensional stability. Offers chemical resistance, insolubility in solvents like acids, salts & oil, low outgassing, low particle generation and inherent purity for reduced contamination. It is easy to process and lightweight compared to steel, aluminum and titanium. Suitable for processing by injection molding and extrusion. Recommended for applications in higher strength and stiffness. Used in sterilization for medical and food contact applications. VICTREX PEEK 450G complies with FDA.

- hua9779發布的信息
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