E3010 未增強 高粘度 抗高溫 無定形PES Ultrason 汽車建筑 電
Ultrason E 3010 NATUR 是一種由聚醚砜 (PESU) 衍生的未增強、高粘度、耐高溫的無定形熱塑性塑料。它不溶于水。表現出更高的韌性和耐化學性,出色的熱穩定性,高溫下的蠕變強度,抗斷裂,過熱蒸汽,油,燃料,氟和冷卻劑,良好的抗沖擊性,高剛度,良好的介電性能,高機械強度,菲常好的防火性能,良好的耐水解性,高抗熱老化性,菲常高的長期使用溫度,耐候性,良好的尺寸穩定性和良好的電氣性能絕緣能力。可以使用注塑成型和擠出成型進行加工。應用包括汽車建筑、家用部門以及電氣和電子元件。它符合歐盟指令 2006/122/EC (PFOA)、歐盟指令 2011/65/EU (RoHS) 和 EC 法規 1907/2006 (REACH)。
Ultrason E 3010 NATUR is an unreinforced, high viscosity, high-temperature resistant, amorphous thermoplastic derived from polyethersulfone (PESU). It is insoluble in water. Exhibits improved toughness & chemical resistance, outstanding thermal stability, creep strength at high temperatures, resistance to fracture, superheated steam, oil, fuel, fluorine & coolants, good impact-resistance, high stiffness, good dielectric properties, high mechanical strength, very good fire behavior, excellent hydrolysis resistance, high resistance to thermal aging, very high long-term service temperature, resistance to weathering, good dimensional stability and good electrical insulating capacity. Can be processed using injection molding and extrusion. Applications include automotive construction, household sectors, and electric & electronic components. It complies with the EU Directive 2006/122/EC (PFOA), EU Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS) and EC Regulation 1907/2006 (REACH).

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