GF-120 NT 水解穩定 20玻纖 食品接觸PSU 用于電器電子
Udel GF-120 是一種水解穩定的可著色聚砜 (PSU),用 20% 玻璃纖維增強。有不透明、黑色(GF-120 Bk 937)、灰色(GF-120 GY 1234)、自然色(GF-120 NT )可供選擇。具有良好的強度、高剛性和良好的尺寸穩定性。表現出良好的耐化學性、耐酸性、耐醇性、耐堿性、耐烴性和耐熱性。具有抗蠕變、耐蒸汽和抗輻射(伽馬)性能。對高壓滅菌器、電子束、環氧乙烷、熱、蒸汽和輻射具有良好的滅菌性。可通過擠出和注塑成型進行加工。推薦用于電器和電器組件、微波爐炊具、汽車電子和食品服務應用。也可用于電氣零件、線軸、電子應用、工業零件和管道零件,如配件、閥門或閥門零件。其他應用包括醫療/保健,如牙科、醫療設備、手術器械和醫院用品。符合 RoHS 和 UL 94 HB 阻燃等級,可接受食品接觸。Udel GF-120 符合 ISO 10993、ISO 10993 第 1 部分、NSF 61(在 82°C 下測試,商用高溫)和 NSF 51(最高使用溫度 149°C)的要求。
Udel GF-120 is a hydrolytically stable, colorable polysulfone (PSU) reinforced with 20% glass fiber. Is available in opaque, black (GF-120 Bk 937), grey (GF-120 GY 1234), natural (GF-120 NT ) colors. Possesses good strength, high rigidity and good dimensional stability. Exhibits good chemical-, acid-, alcohol-, alkali-, hydrocarbon and high heat resistance. Shows creep-, steam and radiation (gamma) resistance. Offers good sterilizability to autoclave, E-beam, ethylene oxide, heat, steam and radiation. Can be processed by extrusion and injection molding. Recommended for appliances & appliance components, microwave cookware, automotive electronics and food service applications. Can also be used in electrical parts, bobbins, electronic applications, industrial parts and plumbing parts such as fittings, valves or valve parts. Further applications include medical/ healthcare such as dental, medical devices, surgical instruments and hospital goods. Complies with RoHS, UL 94 HB flame rating and is food contact acceptable. Udel GF-120 meets with the requirements of ISO 10993, ISO 10993 Part 1, NSF 61 (tested at 82°C, commercial hot) and NSF 51 (max. temperature of use 149°C).

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