SE1X-111 本色 耐候 非增強 阻燃 NORYL 電氣方面應用
NORYL SE1X-111是聚苯醚(PPE)+高抗沖聚苯乙烯(HIPS)的耐候和非增強混合物。這種可注塑,熱穩定和沖擊改性等級含有非溴化,非氯化和非鹵化阻燃劑,并在1.5毫米處具有UL94阻燃等級V-0 / V-1以及UL746C戶外適用性等級F1。NORYL SE1X-111具有強大的電氣性能、低吸濕性、尺寸穩定性和水解穩定性。這種材料非常適合室內和室外電氣外殼、供暖通風/空調 (HVAC) 應用以及太陽能/光伏 (PV) 接線盒應用。
NORYL SE1X-111 is a weatherable & non-reinforced blend of polyphenylene ether (PPE) + high impact polystyrene (HIPS). This injection moldable, heat stabilized & impact modified grade contains non-brominated, non-chlorinated & non-halogenated flame retardant and carries a UL94 flame rating of V-0/V-1 at 1.5 mm along with a UL746C outdoor suitability rating of F1. NORYL SE1X-111 offers strong electrical performance, low moisture absorption, dimensional stability, and hydrolytic stability. This material is an excellent candidate for indoor and outdoor electrical enclosures, heating ventilation/air conditioning (HVAC) applications, and solar/photovoltaic (PV) junction box applications.

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