R-4-02XT 黑色 40玻纖 熱穩定 尺寸穩定PPS Ryton 汽車應用
Ryton R-4-02XT是一種黑色聚苯硫醚級,由40%玻璃纖維增強而成。適用于注塑成型應用。它具有熱穩定性、尺寸穩定性、阻燃性和出色的加工性能。即使在高溫下,它也具有良好的電氣性能和良好的耐化學性。建議用于汽車應用。Ryton R-4-02XT 符合 RoHS、國際可持續發展和碳認證 PLUS (ISCC PLUS2) 認證計劃。
Ryton R-4-02XT is a black colored polyphenylene sulfide grade reinforced with 40% glass fiber. It is suitable for injection molding application. It provides thermal stability, dimensional stability, flame resistance and excellent processability. It offers good electrical properties and outstanding chemical resistance even at elevated temperatures. It is recommended for automotive applications. Ryton R-4-02XT complies with RoHS, International Sustainability and Carbon Certification PLUS (ISCC PLUS2) scheme of accreditation.

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