127UV NC010高粘度 紫外線穩定POM Delrin 用于汽車 家用電器
Delrin 127UV NC010是一種高粘度、紫外線穩定的縮醛均聚物。它具有天然彈性和自潤滑性。與Delrin 107相比,在長時間的紫外線照射和熱穩定性方面有了顯著的改善。它具有良好的抗疲勞性、剛性、抗沖擊性以及耐濕氣、汽油、潤滑劑、溶劑和許多其他中性化學品。Delrin 127UV NC010具有良好的尺寸穩定性和良好的電絕緣特性。通過注塑成型、型材和片材擠出加工。建議用于汽車、家用電器、體育、工業工程、電子和消費品行業。
Delrin 127UV NC010 is a high-viscosity, UV-stabilized acetal homopolymer. It is naturally resilient and self-lubricating. It represents a dramatic improvement over Delrin 107 in mechanical performance after prolonged UV exposure and thermal stability. It provides excellent fatigue resistance, rigidity, impact resistance as well as resistance to moisture, gasoline, lubricants, solvents and many other neutral chemicals. Delrin 127UV NC010 gives excellent dimensional stability and good electrical insulating characteristics. Processed by injection molding, profile and sheet extrusion. Recommended for automotive, domestic appliances, sports, industrial engineering, electronics and consumer goods industries.

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