FR530L BK507 30玻纖增強 防火PET Rynite 家電汽車領域
Rynite FR530是一種阻燃改性聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)樹脂,由30%玻璃纖維增強。表現出良好的強度、剛度、尺寸穩定性、蠕變和耐熱性。提供良好的流動性和高表面光澤度。還表現出良好的電、熱、機械和化學性能。它可以通過注射成型進行加工。FR530用于制造更堅固可靠的電氣設備、光伏面板、開關和其他關鍵能源部件。也用于汽車、電器和電子電器。
Rynite FR530 is a flame-retarded, modified polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resin reinforced with 30% glass fiber. Exhibits excellent strength, stiffness, dimensional stability, creep- and heat resistance. Provides excellent flow and high surface gloss. Also exhibits good electrical- thermal-, mechanical- and chemical properties. It can be processed by injection molding. FR530 is used in the manufacture of stronger and reliable electrical devices, photovoltaic panels, switches and other critical energy components. Also used in automotive-, electrical- and electronic appliances.

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