MT409AHS NC010 中等增韌 熱穩定 易脫模PA66 Zytel 良好的加工性
Zytel MT409AHS NC010 是聚酰胺 66 (PA 66) 級。它含有脫模劑,是一種中等增韌、高性能和熱穩定的牌號。具有良好的剛度,提高編織線強度,良好的表面外觀和良好的加工性能。Zytel MT409AHS NC010 適用于注塑和擠出加工。符合 REACH 和 SVHC 法規。
Zytel MT409AHS NC010 is a polyamide 66 (PA 66) grade. It contains a release agent and is a moderately toughened, high-performance, and thermally stable brand. It has good stiffness, improves the strength of the braided wire, has a good surface appearance, and excellent processing performance. Zytel MT409AHS NC010 is suitable for injection molding and extrusion processing. Complies with REACH and SVHC regulations.

- hua9779發布的信息
- 101L NC010 潤滑 易脫模PA66 Zytel 汽車 家電 體育用品應用
- 高性價比,潤滑,脫模劑。...
- 101F NC010 易脫模 潤滑PA66 Zytel 汽車 家電 體育用品應用
- 經潤滑,含脫模劑。...
- FG101L NC010 未增強 潤滑 PA66 Zytel 食品接觸應用
- 專為食品接觸應用而設計。...
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