SK605 NC010 30玻纖 電絕緣好PBT Crastin 家電體育用品
Crastin SK605 NC010是一種潤滑聚對苯二甲酸丁二醇酯(PBT)樹脂,由30%玻璃纖維增強。具有機械和物理性能,如剛度和韌性,耐熱,摩擦,化學,熱老化和耐磨性,出色的表面光潔度和良好的著色性。具有良好的熔體穩定性和優異的電絕緣特性。良好的熔體穩定性可以回收正確處理的生產廢料。Crastin SK605 NC010適用于注塑,型材和其他擠出加工。應用包括電子、電氣、汽車、機械工程、化學、家用電器和體育用品行業。
Crastin SK605 NC010 is a lubricated polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) resin reinforced with 30% glass fiber. Possesses mechanical and physical properties such as stiffness & toughness, heat-, friction-, chemical-, heat ageing- & wear resistance, excellent surface finishes and good colorability. Exhibits good melt stability and excellent electrical insulation characteristics. Good melt stability enables the recycling of properly handled production waste. Crastin SK605 NC010 is suitable for processing by injection molding, profile- & other extrusion. Applications include electronics, electrical, automotive, mechanical engineering, chemical, domestic appliances and sporting goods industry.

- hua9779發布的信息
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