Apec 1895 901510 高韌性、低溫沖擊強度PC 燈罩 照明 適合在
概述:1895 901510黑色PC高韌性、低溫沖擊強度。
Apec 1895是一種線型、無定形共聚聚碳酸酯。表現出易釋放、高韌性、低溫沖擊強度、玻璃狀透明度、良好的金屬化、高尺寸精度和穩定性。還表現出良好的電氣性能、抗沖擊性和高耐熱性。對飽和脂肪烴、醇、稀礦物酸、中性和酸鹽溶液都有良好的抵抗力,流動性和-30°C至200°C的寬溫度范圍。適合在高溫應用中用作玻璃、金屬或標準聚碳酸酯的替代品。應用包括剎車燈蓋、嵌入式燈具/反射器和前照燈反射器/邊框。
Apec 1895 by Covestro is a linear, amorphous co-polycarbonate grade. Exhibits easy release, high toughness, low-temperature impact strength, glass-like transparency, good metallization, high dimensional accuracy and stability.Also exhibits good electrical properties, impact- and high heat resistance.Provides good resistance to saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, dilute mineral acids, both neutral and acid salt solutions.Shows good weatherability, flowability and broad temperature range from -30°C to 200°C.Is suitable to be used as a replacement for glass, metal or standard polycarbonate in high-heat applications.Applications include covers for brake lights, recessed light fixtures/reflectors and headlamp reflectors/bezels.

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