鴻成達廠家定制老化車 PCBA老化架 煲機車 電源老化架 工廠老化柜
品名:鴻成達廠家定制老化車 PCBA老化架 煲機車 電源老化架 工廠老化柜
該老化車設備采用中央集控式監控管理,適用于工廠批量恒溫老化產品,負載均可采用電子負載, 可根據客戶要求訂制,負載調節可用手動設定方式,也可采用程控負載由上位機(PC機)統一設定系統軟件可對各個區域工作狀況進行設定、監控與警示。適時采集各負載部分當前電壓、電流值。
The aging car equipment adopts central centralized control and management. It is suitable for batch aging products in the factory. The load can be electronically loaded. It can be customized ac-cording to customer requirements. The load adjustment can be manually set or the program contro-
lled load can be used by the host computer. Unified setting system software can set, monitor and alert the working conditions of each area. Collect the current voltage and current values of each load part in a timely manner.
Main feature:
The main body is made of sheet metal structure, enamel enamel, with casters, easy to move;
Bilateral working style, layered structure design, convenient for maintenance and replacement;
The aging car comes with a working voltmeter, ammeter and monitoring function;
The aging car comes with a protection device that automatically cuts off the power when it is under heavy load.
該老化車設備采用中央集控式監控管理,適用于工廠批量恒溫老化產品,負載均可采用電子負載, 可根據客戶要求訂制,負載調節可用手動設定方式,也可采用程控負載由上位機(PC機)統一設定系統軟件可對各個區域工作狀況進行設定、監控與警示。適時采集各負載部分當前電壓、電流值。
The aging car equipment adopts central centralized control and management. It is suitable for batch aging products in the factory. The load can be electronically loaded. It can be customized ac-cording to customer requirements. The load adjustment can be manually set or the program contro-
lled load can be used by the host computer. Unified setting system software can set, monitor and alert the working conditions of each area. Collect the current voltage and current values of each load part in a timely manner.
Main feature:
The main body is made of sheet metal structure, enamel enamel, with casters, easy to move;
Bilateral working style, layered structure design, convenient for maintenance and replacement;
The aging car comes with a working voltmeter, ammeter and monitoring function;
The aging car comes with a protection device that automatically cuts off the power when it is under heavy load.
Aging test, also known as reliability test, reliability test, is to verify whether the product meets the design requirements. Verification method: simulate the use of various consumers in various environments.

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