鴻成達廠家定制防靜電工作臺 不銹鋼工作臺 實驗室工作臺 不銹
鴻成達廠家定制防靜電工作臺 不銹鋼工作臺 實驗室工作臺 不銹鋼桌子
不銹鋼工作臺用途 Stainless steel workbench use
The stainless steel workbench is made of stainless steel, which is aesthetically pleasing, corrosionresistant, acid-proof, alkali-proof, dust-proof and anti-static. It is an ideal workbench for general use in all walks of life. It is suitable for inspection, maintenance and product assembly in various industries; it makes the factory more tidy, and it is light and strong.
不銹鋼產品特點 Stainlness steel products characteristics
1. The surface quality of stainless steel is good, rod surface are no sand and black spots , and the straight-
ness is excellent;
2. The chemical composition of the material is stable and uniform, deviation is small, steel pure;
3. S, P, N and other harmful elements and inclusions are low;4. Suitable for dust-free and purification workshops use.
不銹鋼工作臺用途 Stainless steel workbench use
The stainless steel workbench is made of stainless steel, which is aesthetically pleasing, corrosionresistant, acid-proof, alkali-proof, dust-proof and anti-static. It is an ideal workbench for general use in all walks of life. It is suitable for inspection, maintenance and product assembly in various industries; it makes the factory more tidy, and it is light and strong.
不銹鋼產品特點 Stainlness steel products characteristics
1. The surface quality of stainless steel is good, rod surface are no sand and black spots , and the straight-
ness is excellent;
2. The chemical composition of the material is stable and uniform, deviation is small, steel pure;
3. S, P, N and other harmful elements and inclusions are low;4. Suitable for dust-free and purification workshops use.

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