概述:Textile Exchange Global Recycled Standard
Original Release Date: July 1, 2017
組織發布日期:2017 年 7 月 1 日
©2014 Textile Exchange. All
Textile Exchange Global Recycled Standard
Original Release Date: July 1, 2017
組織發布日期:2017 年 7 月 1 日
©2014 Textile Exchange. All rights reserved. GRS, GLOBAL RECYCLED STANDARD, and the GRS
Logo are trademarks of Textile Exchange.
©2014 紡織品交易所保留所有權利。GRS、GLOBAL RECYCLED STANDARD和GRS標志為紡織
The GRS 4.0 replaces GRS 3.0 and is effective as of July 1, 2017. Sites certified to GRS 3.0 shall comply
with GRS 4.0 by July 1, 2018.
GRS 4.0替代GRS 3.0,自2017年7月1日起生效。認證了GRS3.0的網站應于2018年7月1日起遵循GRS
English is the official language of the Global Recycled Standard. In any case of inconsistency between
versions, reference shall be made to the English version.
Although reasonable care was taken in the preparation of this document, Textile Exchange and any other
party involved in the creation of the document HEREBY STATE that the document is provided without
warranty, either expressed or implied, of accuracy or fitness for purpose, AND HEREBY DISCLAIM any
liability, direct or indirect, for damages or loss relating to the use of this document.
This publication is protected by copyright. Information or material from this publication may be reproduced
in unaltered form for personal, non-commercial use. All other rights are reserved. Information or material
from this publication may be used for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review permitted
under the Copyright Act 1976.
有權利。在遵守 1976 年《版權法》的前提下,可將本出版物的信息或材料用于私人學習、研究、
Any reproduction permitted in accordance with the Copyright Act 1976 shall acknowledge the Global
Recycled Standard as the source of any selected passage, extract, diagram or other information.
任何遵守 1976 年《版權法》的復制品,應承認其所選章節、摘錄、圖表或其他信息源自“全球回收
The Global Recycle Standard (GRS) was originally developed by Control Union Certifications (CU) in
2008 and ownership was passed to Textile Exchange January 1, 2011. The previous version of the standard,
GRS 3.0, was released in 2014.
全球回收標準(GRS)最初由世優認證(CU)于 2008 年制定,并于 2011 年 1 月 1 日將所有權轉
讓給了紡織品交易所。該標準的上一版本 GRS 3.0 于 2014 年發布。
Textile Exchange also owns and administrates the Content Claim Standard (CCS), the Recycled Claim
Standard (RCS), the Organic Content Standard (OCS), the Responsible Down Standard (RDS), and the
Responsible Wool Standard (RWS). These standards are designed to ensure chain of custody for preferred
materials, and to provide labeling tools for final product claims.
Textile Exchange’s mission is to accelerate sustainable practices in the textile industry. This acceleration
only happens when steps have been taken to ensure that actions taken toward sustainability result in real
and meaningful change. This requires a strong understanding of the issues and a plan to substantiate the
claims being made. Certification to a third-party standard accomplishes this.
The Global Recycled Standard (GRS) is an international, voluntary, full product standard that sets
requirements for third-party certification of Recycled Content, chain of custody, social and environmental
practices, and chemical restrictions. The goal of the GRS is to increase use of Recycled materials in products
and reduce/eliminate the harm caused by its production.
和環境實踐以及化學品限制的第三方認證要求。GRS 的目標是增加產品中回收材料的使用,并減
The objectives of the GRS are:
GRS 的目標是:
Alignment of definitions across multiple applications.
Track and trace Recycled input materials.
Provide customers (both brands and consumers) with a tool to make informed decisions.
Reduce harmful impact of production to people and the environment.
Provide assurance that materials in the final product are actually Recycled and processed more
Drive innovation in addressing quality issues in the use of Recycled materials.
The Global Recycled Standard is intended for use with any product that contains at least 20% Recycled
Material. Each stage of production is required to be certified, beginning at the recycling stage and ending
at the last seller in the final business-to-business transaction. Material Collection and Material
Concentration sites are subject to self-declaration, document collection, and on-site visits.
全球回收標準適用于任何至少含有 20%回收材料的產品。從回收階段開始,每個生產階段都必須
The GRS does not address quality or legal compliance.
GRS 不解決質量或合法性問題。
The GRS uses the ISO 14021 definition of Recycled Content, with interpretations based on the US Federal
Trade Commission Green Guides; the intention is to comply with the most widely recognized and stringent
GRS 采用了 ISO 14021 回收含量定義,基于美國聯邦貿易委員會綠色指南的解釋;旨在遵守最廣
This is a voluntary standard that is not intended to replace the legal or regulatory requirements of any
country. It is the responsibility of each operation to demonstrate compliance with all applicable laws and
regulations related to marketing, labor, and business practices. Sellers of GRS products are advised to
reference the allowed Recycled Content claims in the countries of sale, to ensure that they are meeting all
legal product claim requirements.
勞工和商業行為相關的所有適用法律法規。建議 GRS 產品的銷售商參考銷售國家的允許回收含量
The next scheduled revision of the GRS is in 2021. You may submit feedback to the standard at any time;
send to Points of clarification may be incorporated into the GRS
Implementation Manual prior to 2021. More substantive feedback or suggested changes will be collected
and reviewed as part of the next revision of the standard.
GRS 的 下 一 次 定 期 修 訂 是 2021 年 。 您 可 以 隨 時 向 該 標 準 提 交 反 饋 ; 發 送 郵 件 至。澄清點可在 2021 年之前納入 GRS 實施手冊。作為下一次修訂標準

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