概述: 本機特點 Features of this machine 1、設計新穎,結構科學合理,操作方便,加工性能優越。 1、The design is novel, the structure is scientific and reasonable, the operation
本機特點 Features of this machine
1、The design is novel, the structure is scientific and reasonable, the operation is convenient, and the processing performance is superior.
2、The design is novel, the structure is scientific and reasonable, the operation is convenient, and the processing performance is superior. The half of the pressure tank adopts the newly developed quick sealing and quick exhaust device, which avoids the defect of high failure rate of domestic similar products.
3、he dust removal system adopts the newly developed cyclone sand dust separation device and filter element for dust removal.
4、Large sand blasting volume, fast speed, strong impact force, deep impact force and high work efficiency.
Scope of application: It is suitable for rapid sand blasting of small and medium-sized workpieces, especially for the work with strong surface treatment effect and high strength.
技術參數Technical parameters
設備型號 |
BH-PS1010DA |
外形尺寸 |
1000MM(L)×1000MM(W)×1950MM(H) |
工作室尺寸 |
990MM(L)×990MM(W)×770MM(H) |
除塵風機 |
0.55KW |
噴槍數量 |
1只 |
電器總功率 |
<0.7KW |

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