尊敬的碧瀾天客戶,你在選購天津碧瀾天YXB65-240-720閉口樓承板,彩鋼板,鋁鎂錳系列產品時請您,根據施工圖的要求,選定符合設計規定的樓承板規格和材料,主要是考慮用于樓承板制作的鍍鋅鋼板的材質、板厚、力學性能、防火能力、鍍鋅量、壓型鋼板的價格等經濟技術要求,當確定好板型后請報設計審批確認。本公司最新從國外引進2臺全新的智能化全自動生產線,該設備可在數小時內組裝成多種波高,波距的樓承板規格,多種彩鋼板規格,該設備的引進對本公司的產品有質的飛躍.所以我們的壓型鋼板的板型非常的豐富,具體事宜請來本公司詳談或是來電咨詢.Brigitte billow of day respect customer, you are in the choose and buy of tianjin blue ripples days YXB65-240-240 silent LouCheng plate, color steel plate, aluminum, magnesium, manganese series product please, according to the requirement of the construction drawing, selected meet the requirements of design LouCheng plate specifications and materials, mainly for LouCheng plate made of galvanized steel plate material, thickness, mechanical properties, fire prevention ability, galvanized quantity, the price of steel sheet and other economic and technical requirements, after the good board type to design for examination and approval, please confirm. The company introduced from abroad the latest 2 brand-new intellectualized automatic production line, the equipment can be assembled in a few hours into a variety of wave height, wave pitch LouCheng plate specifications, a variety of color steel plate specification, the equipment of the introduction of our company products have a qualitative leap. That's why we pressed steel plate type is very rich, the specific matters relating to the company details or inquire, please

- 18222771806發布的信息
- 天津Z/C型鋼檁條促銷咨訊
- 本公司擁有全自動智能化的檁條生產線,專業生產鍍鋅C/Z型鋼,規格齊全、成型好、撓度孝孔位準、角度直、平整度好,歡迎您的電話...
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