加德士PMO 150造紙機循環油
聯系人:劉小姐 13249859510 微信同號 歡迎咨詢!
Caltex synthesis industrial gear oil
Caltex Pinnacle EPCaltex Pinnacle EP
High-quality, high-performance, extreme pressure (EP) of synthetic gear lubricants and circulation of oil.Can be widely used in harsh conditions, when using traditional lube oil when the cycle is short, such as overloaded and/or impact load and high temperature of various industrial equipment lubrication.This product is chosen together alpha olefins, synthetic ester base fluids and excellent performance additives made by over, so our products with excellent extreme pressure (EP) performance and abrasion characteristics, high thermal stability and good oxidation stability/rustproof ability. Get the ANSI/AGMA 9005 - D94 gear lubricants, David synthesis time Table is America and H Steel (US) the Steel 224 approval.
High-quality, high-performance, extreme pressure (EP) of synthetic gear lubricants and circulation of oil.Can be widely used in harsh conditions, when using traditional lube oil when the cycle is short, such as overloaded and/or impact load and high temperature of various industrial equipment lubrication.This product is chosen together alpha olefins, synthetic ester base fluids and excellent performance additives made by over, so our products with excellent extreme pressure (EP) performance and abrasion characteristics, high thermal stability and good oxidation stability/rustproof ability. Get the ANSI/AGMA 9005 - D94 gear lubricants, David synthesis time Table is America and H Steel (US) the Steel 224 approval.

- 0755.-61398660發布的信息
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